I am sure when this thread was started the poster just wanted to give everyone a heads up, which was a nice thing to do. Why do we get so petty? Put your car in P before exiting your vehicle. Have a safe and happy Easter.
I'll be surprised if the car lets you start in D if you accidentally left it in D when you shut it off last time. Even with a regular key, the car won't start unless it's in P or N. So while you may be able to leave it parked in D, it may not let you start so you're safe there.
This is certainly not a vehicle issue, as mush as it is an operator issue. There are so many different types of transmission stalks these days, have you ever driven a BMW 7 series, what a trip that is to put in gear. It really is up to the driver to make sure they understand how to use their car, and if they don't like the way the gear selector works or location of it, then don't buy the car.
i have left the hycam in park a few times. pretty sure it shuts down partly because when you get out, it doesn't move. but it does beep at you when you shut the door.
I came from traditional shifters like the prius c, so this really shouldn't be a safety concern, but more of a driver ignorance or habit concern...you can't just go buy a new car without learning its do's and don'ts, and kill your habits of having been used to the liftback. Sure both cars are of the same family, but kill your bad habit before it's too late.
I like the traditional shifter in my Prius C2 better than the joystick and silly Park button in my G3. In any car, it is the operator's responsibility to know and carry out the correct procedure for shutdown, parking, starting and driving - every time. This basic ability must be demonstrated to pass any driving test. If a driver does not have the discipline to do the simple tasks required in the Prius C, that person should not have a license.