Just made a 90 mile trip where 25 miles was around town,5 miles was at 45 mph on country road with two stops followed by 60 miles 1/2 at 60 mph 1/2 at 55 mph on interstate with result 70.1 IMG which would be about 67.6 mpg actual and yes 15 mph tail wind, nitrogen in tires and newly washed and waxed with Nano Wax. Return trip included 4 cold starts, shopping for 199 miles total and indicating 62.5 IMG total for round trip with headwind coming back. Not bad for all on speed control.-0)) <><
I made a trip in my Prius C on 05/08/2014 between Trumbull, Connecticut and New Rochelle, New York. Distance 49.5 miles, time 1 hour - 43 minutes - 75.7 MPG indicated. Loss of elevation about 260 feet, temperature 55F. Trip was on Merritt Parkway and I-95 with heavy/slow traffic and speeds up to about 52 MPH. Sorry but no photograph for documentation. Return trip was 54.0 miles with 60.1 MPG indicated at speeds up to 55 MPH on the hilly Merritt Parkway. Prius C is amazing.
Recently took a casual drive in the countryside with the return route being Rt 2 in Mass known as the Mohawk Trail. 40 miles from the scenic overlook to my driveway. The first 20 miles were down the 'mountains' as they are and looking at my display it was 99.9 all the way in fact I don't think the engine was on that whole time. By the time I parked the final display was 89.6. Need to find more.trips.like this
Tried that same leg of the return trip again today. It's 9.2 miles downhill where it reads 99.9 the whole way. Stopped at the bottom and turned the car off to reset the travel log etc. Arrived home where it read 26.2 miles at 63mpg. So then to do the math-from the other day non-stop it was 87.9mpg for the whole route. So by using 9.2 miles at display of 99.9 and 26.2 miles at a display of 63 mpg I tried to figure the real mpg down the hill as the flat return leg was probably pretty accurate at 63mpg. Came out to about 172mpg downhill for the 9.2 miles when added in with the 63mpg for the remainder of 26.2 miles totals out to the final 35.4 miles at 87.9mpg which I got the day before. Not bad for travelling downhill at an average grade of 3-4% over the 9.2 miles
I recently took a trip from Clovis ca up to China Peak mountain resort. With my Prius c filled with three full sized adult males we averaged 37mpg up the hill and 99.9 down the hill. Approximately 38 miles down the hill to a stop then flatland home. Steep, with Highway speeds throughout half of it.
Sweet -I have been contemplating driving my 9.2 mile leg of my recent sojourn back and forth exclusively to see if that possibly might give me that elusive 600 mile tank since its around 50 mpg up and the 99.9 (172) mpg on the way down A project for a day off and nothing else to do.
I'm saying to constantly drive up and down a mountain using fuel on a day off is a waste of fuel. Not snide I just can;t justify burning fuel just to do it, ha ha. Relax man nothing pointed to you or anyone else. snide snīd/ adjective adjective: snide 1.derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. What I posted was a playful OPINION. Never did I say they were wrong nor did I mock them...
Now kids settle down. You know, the reason we bought a Prius C model 3 was Bill has been conscience of effeciency since in college to be an auto engineer. Even though our last car averaged 36.5 mpg on diesel for 117K, it was 9 years old and our son in law needed a good used car, so it was time to let the Mercedes go. Our 2012 C was new and we wanted to see 50 mpg avg in real world driving on real need to go places. Bill was thrilled to use his experience in a past life as a test engineer to estimate actual mpg. Most of the time we are carrying 400 lb and full fuel and he notes elevation change, outside air temp and approximate humidity in a waxed, nitrogen in tires and number of full stops and cold starts on a real trip. To us the second most important benefit of the C is low CO2 and CO so our great grand kids will have just a little more fresh air to breath. Running a test just to be running a test defeats that purpose. Bye for now.PTL -0)) <><
Actually that area of Rt 2 is a great scenic route I was just surprised to see the little Prius C do so well with the ups and downs. We frequently drive it just for some stress relief but the added possibility of seeing a great mpg tank also intrigues me.
Question - what do you have to do to be able to link your Fuelly info like I see at the end of so many posts here?
If I reset the trip at the top of the pass I drive over before heading east down 6000 ft of elevation to Denver, I get over 100 mpg, (<2.3 l/100km) Coming back not so much: 44mpg / 5.6 l/110km
I routinely return from Reno to Roseville (~90) miles with 80 + mpg showing. If you watch the Energy monitor ( arrows ) the car is often charging. iPad ?
The car is phenomenal especially if it's not pushed. Of course if you really do want to push it the mpg's will improve. iPad ?