I hate being the guy that doesn't let people eat in my car, BUT I think I am. Am I alone? I'm just lazy and don't want to vacuum my interior often.
Until my little daughter was born 2 years ago, I wouldn't usually eat in any of my cars, but that has all changed! The Prius now gets vacuumed every week.... Anything for an easy life
No eating in my cars! Any mess afterward can be cleaned up. What I object to are the odors that are left to permeate into the fabrics and carpet - can't get rid of it. I can tell when someone has a habit of eating in their vehicles - it smells. Not as bad as a smoker's car, but a close second.
I am sometimes too busy during the day to stop and eat so I have to eat on the way to work. I am pretty clean, so I have yet to have any issues. If you are eating something that would stink up the interior I suggest finding a less stinky food.
i don't let people eat in my new car until the first crumb appears somewhere on the upholstery or carpet. or if i get dinged in a parking lot. then, all bets are off.
I have a 1 and a 3 year old. People can eat all they want in my car. That's why I bought a Toyota and not a Lexus. iPhone ?
I sometimes eat small non-messy stuff from Dunkin Donuts when parked in my C2 or G3 - never while in motion. Sometimes take a sip of coffee (with a lid) when I'm on the highway but mostly when stopped at traffic lights. If I have a passenger, no eating/drinking for either of us. Trying to keep my Prii like new.
I don't mind drinks in bottles or cups with caps on them. Another pet peeve is people leaving their trash in my car.
Tell me about it! In my Jetta there was a little receptical in the back seats that was meant for ash from cigarettes or something of that matter. Everyone once in a while I would find some trash in there. Ohhhh hecccckkk no!
None, nada, no one. One big reason is that if you don't find any visual food residual, from time little croaches will be living in your car (happen before in my ex 4runner while eating inside). So in my Prius C don't have this problem.
Yeah - roaches. We got those in our cars. One person I know ended up with ants - thousands of ants - in her brand new Infiniti. Funny thing is she didn't eat or drink in the car - it was new. Dealer apparently had to do some work to get the ants out. I once had a small rat crawl into the squirrel cage(?) A/C fan in my 2001. Turned on A/C - horrible clunking noises and A/C stopped. Several days later - the worse smell you can imagine. Drove car with windows open. Repair place fixed it - mechanic showed me the old fan with the dessicated remains of the deceased rat glued to the inside of the fan. Smell stayed for months - I was driving solo for the whole time. "Your car smells like heck - I ain't riding with you." Maybe I should stop eating in my car. YMMV