2006 JBL / Nav with Vais MML ?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Jason in OZ, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius
    hi all.

    anyone have experience with the Vais MML USB interface on the G2 prius that has the JBL and factory Nav ?

    i have sent Vais an email to ask about compatibility, still waiting for a response.
    thought i would ask here if anyone has one, and how well it works.

    i don't need the full iphone integration, all i want is the ability to plug in a usb stick with Music on it.
    the info on their website is a little confusing as to compatibility. in one page it says works will all radios with and without nav, and on another it says NOT compatible with factory nav....

    if it will work, ill be ordering one soon....

  2. Mgrad92

    Mgrad92 Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Tampa Bay, Fla.
    2005 Prius
    I've swapped five or six emails with Eugene at VAIS (I'm considering their Bluetooth audio SL3B), and he's been pretty responsive to my questions so far. The time difference might make it tough on you, but I hope you get the same experience I'm having.

    Anyway, have you found more than one set of compatibility listings somewhere on their site? If so, do you have a link? When I saw found this PDF (bit.ly/1eWDwe0 — sorry, still too n00b to post links) from them, I assumed I didn't have to worry about compatibility on the Prius side. It's my phone I'm worried about.
  3. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius
    thanks for the info. im sure they will reply, its just that i get kinda impatient sometimes :)

    iCarKits - MML Toyota

    the compatibility questions arose when i saw the above on a third party site...
    about 80% of the way down the description, it says..

    "The MML provides direct plug-and-play installation for most Toyota and Lexus vehicles 2001 and newer, and it's compatible in navigation system equipped vehicles as well as those without one. Our unique technology doesn't affect factory-installed components such as 6-disc CD changer, CD/DVD changer or satellite radio. "

    then further down in the notes section it says
    "Not Compatible with vehicles that have Factory Navigation Radio System."

    guess ill wait to see what Vais has to say.

    thanks again.

  4. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius
    so.... 4 days and im still waiting for a response from Vais.

    this may be a sign to steer clear... lack of support is a BIG deal for me....
    i may look into the dice media bridge instead.....

  5. Mgrad92

    Mgrad92 Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Tampa Bay, Fla.
    2005 Prius
    A four-day wait is no good — and nothing like the response I was seeing. (Fwiw, I was emailing to info-at-vaistech-dott-com, in case you had a different address.) (Really? I can't even post email addresses in this forum yet? Wow, you guys are STRICT.)

    I installed VAIS's SL3B yesterday (their Bluetooth audio gizmo), so I haven't spent much time with it, but from what I've seen so far it plays along with factory navigation just fine. It wasn't cheap, obviously, but my only other complaint so far was that I had to take the entire dashboard of my 2005 apart from the driver's side door all the way to the center to get to the back of the factory radio. I really can't count that as a strike against VAIS, tho'. But the sound I'm getting is more than good enough for me, and I've got no visible wires to deal with — which is what I wanted. (I threaded the cable through to the lower glove compartment and just slipped the SL3B in there, for now. It fit perfectly in the little slot in the back of the box.)

    I'm hoping I can find a way to get it to stop playing a playlist as soon as I hit the DISC key on the radio, tho', since I mostly use it to listen to iTunes Radio or Stitcher. The instructions for using a third-party app (Stitcher, for example) say to hit the DISC button on the radio, wait for the SL3B to start playing a playlist, then launch the app you really want to listen to. That feels less than optimal; I'm hoping there's a setting somewhere I can tweak.
  6. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius
    Eugene finally got back to me and confirmed that it will work with my car. He claimed he had responded, but I didnt get any response.

    I even checked my spam folders.
    Alls well that ends well.

    I plan to install it so that the USB lead pokes into the little box under the radio. I will leave the USB stick plugged in almost permanently, unless I'm adding music.

    Thanks for the update on your install.
    I'm going to be paying a professional to install mine. I don't want to deal with that much disassembly.

  7. Mgrad92

    Mgrad92 Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2014
    Tampa Bay, Fla.
    2005 Prius
    When I was done and everything was put back together, I could easily understand why folks would be willing to spend Best Buy or someone to do the install. It's definitely a job you could do yourself, but I was genuinely afraid I'd snap some piece of dashboard trim in half, or drop a screw down into the dash where it could happily rattle away for years. None of that happened in my case, but I could see where someone would pay for that peace of mind.

    (Putting it in that pocket under the radio is a nifty idea, too. Is there an existing opening to fish a wire into that box? Maybe I should have considered that. The lower glove compartment seemed perfect in my case because there was just enough existing clearance to get the wire through the curved opening in the left edge of the box, and I didn't have to drill any holes — but I shouldn't really ever going to have to plug/unplug anything into/from it, either.)
  8. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius
    I honestly don't know if there's a hole in that box or not. But I figure I only have to have a hole drilled large enough for the usb lead to pass through. The actual module will be buried somewhere out of sight.

    I will post back with the install and my thoughts on it once it's done.
    The unit left the USA a few days ago, so I should receive it in about another week or so.

  9. Jason in OZ

    Jason in OZ Active Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Sydney, Australia
    2006 Prius