If you want in the carpool lanes and you want $1500 CA state $, act fast. Thank God most all my cars here have HOV stickers. But, the CARB $$ of $1500 per car for PHEVS is running out too! SIGH. Possibly no green stickers very soon, and no California $1500 state cash for the PlugIns. Read that memo below CAREFULLY!!! It says there's a bill in to extend the green stickers BUT no idea if/when. ___________________________________________________ Green HOV Sticker Advance PurchaseProgram SuspendedDMV's program allowing new car dealers to purchase and install green HOV stickers on eligible vehicles before they are sold has been suspended. Not exactly the green news we wanted to share on St. Patrick's Day! Existing law authorizes the DMV to issue no more than 40,000 green stickers, and this limit will soon be reached, so DMV has reserved all remaining green stickers for individual consumer applications. AB 2013 (Muratsuchi) was recently introduced and if it becomes law, will increase the number of green stickers that the DMV is authorized to issue. DMV's announcement does NOT affect white HOV stickers and dealers may still obtain these in advance for eligible vehicles in their inventory. Finally, CARB's Clean Vehicle Rebate Program may also be suspended sometime before July 1st, because funding is running short.
I have 200+ PlugIns and I need to edit for March 24 and beyond, as need to find the time to determine what's got HOVs and what doesn't. Stay tuned. Meanwhile email for questions! dianne@earth
I am. I started with plenty... sure saw the sticker #'s rising exponentially... so I ordered them on cars that were in transit, flating over at the time... proved to be a wise decision. It's important to me to offer full-service, even to the extent of a pre-stickered car. Traffic's awful...
Carpool Lane stickers! Prius PlugIn! Since you're going to be in the HOV lanes with the GREEN HOV stickers thru Jan 2019, may as well do the BUY at 0% APR, 60 months, and $4,000 bonus cash! On a car with Green HOV lane stickers already here for it, without any extra markup at all, it's $450 a month (+ tax and title, feel free to add that to the financing for a $500ish payment depending on your residence / county for sales tax, and please add $360 for the pearl white) MSRP is $31025 on a car with mats set floors/rear. MSRP on a pearl white car is $31420, mats front/rear as well. You can save a little $$ a month by getting a car w/o the preordained stickers, but I really, really do not like your chances of getting them. I wouldn't do this if the HOV stickers really mattered to *me*. I just handed over a sticker #39,8xx last Monday, so you're really cutting it close. There are only 40,000 stickers and then you're done. 36 month lease is $363-369 + tax a month for 35 more months using $4000 lease cash. (varies with your location for tax rate) at 12K annual, tier 1+ . ($360 more for the pearl white) In these examples, I am using a car WITH an HOV sticker already physically here to match the car. NO risk - you leave with a sticker. Reach out to me for any details or arrange a car ready for you when you arrive ASAP. I have 180 PlugIns but only have 113 with stickers already so you can imagine how fast those will sell now that DMV's pretty much out of these green stickers!!! PS: want an advanced? They are in short supply but I have a few. Reach me for details and color choices? Lastly, hurry. There are so few HOV stickers still available!