So I purchased the Stebel Nautilis compact air horn for my Prius. After looking it over, I don't feel comfortable installing it myself. Does any of the countless SF East Bay Area Prius owners know of a good but reasonable handymechanic that would be able to install this for me? Shoot me an Private Message or Reply here. Thanks! :attention:
How about an aftermarket stereo installer? If that fails, you could always go to Art's Automotive in Berkeley.
Thanks. I called Art's. The didn't sound comfortable in installing a user supplied part, and were not sure what it the figured 1-2 hours in labor... I'm not ready to spend 200 bucks to install a I'll check with a Stereo Installer..Thanks!
I ended up taking it to Car Audio Warehouse in San Leandro. They installed my horn, complete with a relay so my wiring can't get fried. Only cost me $60.00 It is mounted on the little post that is near the hood latch...probably used for the radar on the V model. Sounds great! Now my Prius honks like a Fiat!:horn:
i use to have the hornblasters air horn in my previous car (Infiniti G35 coupe), but I couldn't transfer it to my new Prius because there is no room. There are 4 big horns ranging from 2 feet long to 1 feet, so my prius horn sounds so wimpy compared to my old hornblasters train horn
While a Fiat horn sounds cool (I had a 74 Spyder in HS, miss it!) anyone have any info/ideas on what would work in terms of a very loud strong horn? Something to wake folks up and get their attention, like a semi, train or foghorn for those special and dire situations? Also contemplated something like a cow or cat bell (bike bell) for when in parking lots amongst oblivious pedestrians as I cruise in silent electric mode often startling those tuned out to the world around them...
Keep in mind, there isn't very much room in there....which is why I had the Stebel Compact Nautilus installed. I'd rather have installed the Nautilus Brio, but there wouldn't have been any room for that.
My Stebel Nautilis finally malfunctioned after about 4 years. (One of the notes died). I just posted about finding a Stebel Brio, and I installed it myself. Much more fun.