My crystal ball says Monday the 13th, Tuesday at the latest. I guess you were slowed up with the transponder thing. I'm just a few yards outside of the Bay Area proper, and so could submit for the stickers before dealing with the transponder.
I forgot to mention the fastrak. I picked it up the same day I sent sticker the application. My revised timeline: 02.13.06 Bought car. 02.17.06 Picked up a Fastrak responder in person. 02.17.06 Sent HOV application. 03.08.06 Check cashed. 03.xx.06 Stickers arrive? I hope your crystal ball is accurate!!
Sounds like you do not need the Vin in the dmv system(the paperwork that the dealer needs to submit to dmv) to be granted a carpool sticker. Can you aply with the temporary registration number? For fasttrack it was about dmv? --Moni
Apparently you are right. The "temorary reg number" is the VIN... unless I'm missing something. I think they can tell from the VIN if it is a Prius.... even if the VIN isn't in the system yet.
Please tell me when I should expect mine. You accurately predicted the date that my check would be cleared (2/28) but it's been over 2 full weeks since then, and still no stickers. :huh:
Do you NOT have to wait for your plates to come? I've been waiting to apply until I get them. Should I apply now?
Mmmm. Just a moment... the image is coming... The crystal ball says, "You're screwed." Man... two weeks, that sucks. At that point, I'd almost be tempted to request a replacement set. Watch - yours will come and they'll be a lower number than mine.
Don't wait! I sent my application in one hour after I drove the car home. Put in your VIN and leave the license plate part blank. I can say this with confidence (finally) since it worked perfectly for me! know, my mail has been screwed up lately. Yesterday I received 2 of my subscribed magazines that I should have received ~2 weeks ago (I even got the more recent weekly issues prior to receiving these now-back-dated issues!), so who knows when I'll get those darned stickers. And my plates. :blink:
One more says you need to include evidence of having fastrak. I do have it, but not yet for the Prius, because I guess you have to have a separate transponder for hybrid or electric cars. Does this matter?
My check was cleared on 2/27 and I'm still waiting for my HOV stickers too Here's my timeline. 2.10.06 Took delivery of a Silver Pkg #6 at Dublin Toyota 2.13.06 Stopped by Fastrak office in SF and picked up transponder 2.14.06 Mailed off HOV application to DMV 2.27.06 Check cleared Waiting, waiting, waiting....
It only matters if you are in the SF Bay Area. If you are outside the nine (I think it is nine) counties that make up the Bay Area, then you don't need the transponder to get the HOV stickers. You DO need special transponder if you intend to cross the bridges during commute times.... but again - not before you get the stickers.
Alirght, I just sent mine out in today's mail (I bought the car used 2 days ago), the post office says it will take 2 mailing days to arrive, so it should be there in Monday's delivery, how long should I expect to wait before recieving the stickers?
The average seems to be 3-4 weeks for the entire round-trip. Mine was three weeks to the day, which is definitely on the short side of the curve seen on these threads.
A rumor in the yahoo group stating that the rules for applying the stickers has relaxed and only one is required? Any of you newly received sticker owners get a change in instructions? That would be cool