Looking at the foam rubber padding attachments for the bumper guard, it occurred to me that the applique could fit in between this for "double" protection (of sorts, anyway). Curious if anyone else has considered or actually tried this yet. I'm wondering about any unforeseen adhesion issues between such a setup. I've even considered a full clearbra, like Scotchgard or Xpel, on the entire rear bumper, to accommodate HOV stickers if I get them, with each of these on top in turn. (I am dimly aware of possible obsession over "protecting my protectors" resulting in a stack of overly redundant protection... )
Ahh, yeah. Well if one gets rear-ended with sufficient force to damage the bumper beyond just abrasions, you're kinda out no matter what. Sorta the same with clear bra on the front if you don't stop in time for anything. All these protectors for our protectors for our protectors are getting really expensive..