I'm getting my new Prius in about 2 weeks after waiting 6 months and would like to download an Owners Manual so I can read it "before" I get the vehicle. I thought I saw a link while going through the forums a couple of weeks ago and saved it but I can't find it. Appreciate your help if you can direct me! New to the site as of about 3 weeks ago...all I can say it is fantastic and so are the unselfish contributors and moderators!!! Thank you! joe
I have the 04 Owners Manual in a PDF file that I would be glad to email you if you will PM me with your email address.
You can download manuals from Toyota tech Info I believe they have a small fee for one a one day membership
I just checked the site and called them...they don't actually have an Owners Manual to download for the Prius but could of sent one to me for $22.90 in 7-10 days. I will forgo that and download the 2004 manual from "seasalsa" as my car is due probably in about 11 days now. Thanks again. joe