Just ordered the rear bumper protector for my baby! I will definitely post pics once it is installed. I know it may not not be the most exciting accessory but for a new Prius owner like myself I am excited!!! If anyone with a Blizzard Pearl happens to have one installed I'd love to see pics. Thanks.
Are you sure that won't affect the aerodynamics of the vehicle and bring the coefficient drag up since that disrupts airflow at the back of the vehicle? LOL...just kidding. congrats on the purchase.
You should have gotten the clear bumper applique, and it says "Prius" on it. I don't think the black will go with anything on your car and it's pretty extreme protection. Unless you have kids or dogs, the clear bumper applique should do the trick
It wasn't standard, at least in the U.S. But I seem to remember it as a common option, already preloaded. Your Canadian configurations may have been different.
I have a wife, 2 kids, and a mother in law, they don't ride in this car all the time but when they do you can never be too careful. The other day a piece of luggage was going in the back and it accidentally hit the top of the bumper... I intend to keep this car nice and I think that protector will do a good job at it!
I've only had mine a few weeks and haven't hurled much across it yet, but so far so good. I've heard (and there are some threads here about it) that the clear applique isn't as effective as the hard rubber protector, simply because it's so thin, things can scratch through it. The hard rubber protector looks sturdy, though I'm still concerned the rubber gasket on the car that seals the hatch could get trashed e.g. when someone pushes luggage in. I guess there's not much for that than to "be careful," though.
I bought these for both our cars; I like how it looks on Barcelona Red; it gets lost w/ the Winter Grey color. I bought these more for protection than esthetics ; easy to install and works great.
I don't think you need apologize for your purchase not being an exciting modification. Or "Mod Enough". You know what the best modification is? The accessory or modification you enjoy the most. I'm NOT a big mod person, I just don't have the amazing skills that some people have for DIY electronic or mechanical modification. I often marvel at what some people can do.... My favorite "mod" on my Prius is my Wheelskins steering wheel cover. To many people, simply an accessory. But I enjoy it, every time I drive. I imagine you'll like your bumper cover, every time you open you hatch. Great Mod...enjoy.
I don't think that it was standard on any US model as I never see it installed and I probably see at least 100 Prius per day here in Southern CA.