prius talking points

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by palau, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. palau

    palau New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Los Angeles
    2006 Prius
    hello everyone,

    since i started to announce my decision to buy a prius to family and co-workers, i've been greeted with rolling eyes, and a bunch of "whys?"

    "what?! why do you want to do that, they're so expensive, you're crazy!" -- dad

    "aren't they really expensive?" --co-worker

    "the money you save on gas won't even amount to extra money you're spending on an toyota, of all things. you might as well get a beemer" --co-worker 2

    "who gave you that idea?" -- dad

    don't worry, i'm not intimated by these questions or lame comments. i know why i'm getting a prius. the problem is when i explain it to people, i often feel like they still don't get it or that i'm being a "silly hollywood liberal," (my dad's words, not mine).


    does anyone have prius talking points?

    kind of the like the ones on the website for the RNC--except not lies :p

    things that i can spout off to people in brief without going into my trademark long winded responses--i'm afraid this is only hurting the cause.

    thanks again for your help,
  2. San_Carlos_Jeff

    San_Carlos_Jeff Active Member

    Oct 4, 2005
    Northern California
    2012 Chevy Volt
    IMHO the money argument is easy to counter. Unless the person asking the question is driving a Kia or Hyundai they spent more than they needed to on their own car. So if they ask you why you're spending more on a Prius ask them why they spent more on their own car. The answer will usually be they did so because they like the car, and that should be the reason you're buying the Prius.

    Prius is:
    Fuel effecient
    Gives access to HOV lane

    These are all good reasons to buy one.
  3. the fish

    the fish Member

    Dec 19, 2005
    I guess it depends on whether or not you actually want to discuss the car with them. I have only run into a few people who actually were interested in my reasons rather than those who were ignorant as to what a hybrid is. For those interested, I try to help them with their questions in case they are thinking of buying one.

    For those who fall into the ignorant category, I usually give them a reason (environment, tech stuff) that doesn't appeal to them so they will go away. I realized that this is a car for me not for them. I don't ask them to explain why they thought a Kia or a Ford Taurus was a good car buying decision.

    No one in my family really understood why but they all supported me in the end after seeing and driving in the car with me. But they will understand in time that it is a great car. For now, they just know it makes me happy.
  4. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
  5. ScottY

    ScottY New Member

    May 18, 2005
    Long Island, NY
    2005 Prius
    "what?! why do you want to do that, they're so expensive, you're crazy!" -- dad

    Expensive compare to what car? To a beemer? No. To a Corolla? Yes.

    "aren't they really expensive?" --co-worker

    You can get a Prius under $30k. Again, depends on what you compare it to.

    "the money you save on gas won't even amount to extra money you're spending on an toyota, of all things. you might as well get a beemer" --co-worker 2

    When someone spend thousands to upgrade to leather. They ever calculate how many years to get even? NO. We are getting a car that's more fuel efficient and pollutes less.

    "who gave you that idea?" -- dad

    PriusChat? :p

    Any more questions? Bring it on!
  6. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced that resource.

    I've been patiently waiting for the day when people become interested in the content, which apparently is today!

    That need happened for the Classic model a few years ago. And that result is what the webpage for the HSD model is based on. We ultimately ended up creating a printable version to serve the very purpose that is being seeked here.

    So... if you provide feedback, I'll take those comments and build something for us.
  7. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!

    I'm more interested in what YOUR answers are to the, "Why?" questions.

    How about it?
  8. EricGo

    EricGo New Member

    Apr 30, 2005
    Albuquerque, NM (SouthWest US)
    OP, time for some analysis, NOT-CR style:

    First, ask him if his choice was a reasonable one ..

    What car does you Dad drive, whas it bought new, and how much did he pay for it ?
    How much has he spent on maintenence and repairs ?
    Ask him permission to peek at his credit card statememtns, and figure out from his last oil change mileage record, how much petrol is costing him.

    This is gonna be hilarious ..
  9. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO
    This is very strange and annoying to me.

    If you buy a Beemer or Ford Explorer, no questions, no derision.

    If you buy a Prius, which reduces our dependence on imported oil, reduces air pollution, helps promote new (and important) technology, and is safe, practical, roomy, and at least reasonably cost effective, you get the 3rd degree.

    Why is that? I truly don't understand the mindset that doesn't question any car choice except the most altruistic one. Only then are you ridiculed.
  10. jeneric

    jeneric New Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    Redmond, WA
    Typical reaction I get is "what took so long, why haven't we always had hybrids?" "Let's take your cool electric car." "How long did you have to wait to get it?"
  11. jeneric

    jeneric New Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    Redmond, WA
    Something that hit me is that most of the time people don't use much of their engine's potential. All that waste in running it just for moments when they want it. The hybrid system gives you that power when you need it, but runs efficiently when you don't. It's got enough power to get you over those mountain passes when you need extended power, but even then I was surprised by how much downhill there is in climbing up a mountain pass.

    Don't know if that exactly applies, but think it helps when people understand it a little better and don't think it's all just magic.
  12. burritos

    burritos Senior Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    2006 Prius
    Guilt. Same reason a cheating husband accuses his wife of cheating on him.
  13. Oxo

    Oxo New Member

    Sep 17, 2005
    Oxfordshire, UK
    2005 Prius
    Judging from the remarks in this thread I think I must live in a different world. I've had my Prius almost six months. During that time:
    1. Nobody has made any remark (at least to me) about the car.
    2. On the road nobody has given any indication that they have noticed that it is a "different" kind of car.
    3. Nobody has ever asked me if I have to plug it in or why I bought it.
    4. Nobody seems to notice when I glide along silently in EV mode.

    In short, round here nobody seems to care what sort of car you've got, or even whether you've got one at all!
  14. bigj3347

    bigj3347 New Member

    Aug 11, 2005
    Hacienda Heights, Ca
    2005 Prius
    I live in southern california and Prii are EVERYWHERE. I mean its literally impossible to drive on a major highway out here without spotting at least one. I was once driving on the 60 when i was sandwiched by prii, i was in the left lane, there was one in front, one behind and another to my right. I've gotten nothing but positive remarks from people. I've had strangers come up to me in the parking lot and ask me about my prius. How does it handle? How much MPG do you really get? How do you like it etc. I do my best to answer all their questions and they are all intrigued by the prius.

    As for the I'd rather buy a beemer remark. Here's the way I see it. The cheapest BMW is the 325i. That MSRP is approximately 32,500 dollars, not counting tax, license fee etc. We're talking about the most stripped down version, no options. Whereas my 05 package 6, with all the options, taxes and everything, is 29,000 out the door. count in taxes and all the other stuff, the 325 is upwards of 35,000. Yes, the beemer is an excellent vehicle as far as handling and performance, i know firsthand because my gf has a BMW 330i. But do I really need to be able to go upwards of 100 MPH or get from 0-60 in 6 seconds as opposed to 10? I don't think so. Plus the premium you're paying for the beemer isn't factoring in the extra fuel costs you'll be paying down the road. My gf absolutely swears by her 330i, she hates japanese cars. However, she drove my prius and said that while the prius is no beemer, its a wonderful vehicle performance wise, throw in the mileage and its a great car.
  15. subarutoo

    subarutoo New Member

    Jan 18, 2006
    Chatsworth, CA
    2006 Prius
    To me the Prius is just a tool..a fine commuting tool. People spend thousands of dollars on specialized vehicles, dirt bikes, Rvs, dune buggys, even SUVs because they filfill a special vehicular need that they have. I have a car for autocross, my trusty Subaru Impreza. I love the Impreza, but the Prius is 100 times better as a commuter car. BP (before Prius) the Impreza was my commuter car, autocross car, and everything else car. My wife's Outback was our trip car, shopping hauler, and "out for the evening" car. Both our Subarus have LOTS of miles, but not lots of MPGs. Think of the Prius as a specialized commuter vehicle, that just happens to do lots of other things well too, room, comfort, quiet, low emissions, and fuel economy too. An RV, dune buggy, dirt bike, SUV will not do everything well, and the Prius beats them on 9 out of 10 reasons for buying a vehicle. My Prius goes much faster in the HOV lane than the other brand-x vehicles sitting in the regular lanes. All the horsepower in the world won't get you home 1/2 hr earlier. My Prius will.

    Arguing Prius vs. X brand of car, is like a Chevy guy vs. a Ford guy. Don't waste time arguing, just walk away smiling.
  16. DNA_Girl

    DNA_Girl New Member

    Aug 8, 2005
    They're not that expensive.

    We just took delivery of a Barcelona Red Package #1. Exclusive of taxes and fees, and factoring in our anticipated tax break, we will have brought it in for UNDER $20,000.

    The packages with navigation and Bluetooth drive up the price pretty quickly (although really, even a fully loaded Prius is a good deal if you have the money to spend). We were insistent on side curtain airbags, but after that, what we really wanted was the hybrid technology and the low emissions. We decided we could live without Homelink, backup camera, navigation, Smart Entry, Bluetooth, etc. Maybe when we buy our next Prius we will be in a better position to get all the bells and whistles, but right now, we are very happy to be cruising the byways in what is essentially a base model car.

    You didn't say what package you're thinking about, and at this point, you may not be able to get the full tax break (but I'll bet a 75% one is still in reach), but it's your money and your budget and I'm sure you can find the right car for your price.

    Good luck!
  17. palau

    palau New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    Los Angeles
    2006 Prius
    i guess my point in asking for the talking points was to see if there was a way to shut the annoying people up without an impassioned harangue. many people like to criticize stuff they don’t know too much about. either that or they form their opinions based on the uninformed opinions of others--compounding the uninformed quotient.

    i live in LA, and all my like-minded friends are excited about the prospect of driving in my prius—and are proud of me, even though they go out and buy their lexus or bmw x5. whatever. but with people that are of a different mind set, i just find it appalling sometimes the way they always have something to say.

    i’ve learned not to talk about politics with my father, but, my god, when i told him about the prius, i thought this was going to be another thing that was off-limits so as not to induce a heart attack in him.

    Fortunately--and I didn’t mention it on my original post because it wasn’t relevant to my point--it turns out that after a very long conversation with my father and some co-workers over the past few months, they can understand my decision better, and one guy even said, “hmm, maybe my next car will be a prius.â€

    to answer priusham’s question: it’s pretty obvious why i want a prius: incredible fuel efficiency, ultra-low emissions. all the other stuff merely sweetens the deal—carpool lane, tax credit, affordability, etc.

    but john’s marvelous website is EXACTLY what i was looking for—if for no other reason than to stick it to people when they have no idea what they are talking about.

    thank you, john for that. you are amazing. and thanks to every one else for commenting. i can hardly wait to officially join the club.

    with prius envy,

  18. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    Hi John

    For the money saved on fuel calculation, perhaps you should make a small chart showing money saved at different gas prices. For example, in my area regular unleaded is now $ 3.55 - 3.60 / gal.

    So you could indicate how the Prius becomes an even better bargain as gas prices go to $4 (maybe this spring) and $5 (probably in 2009)
  19. racer12306

    racer12306 New Member

    Mar 7, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Roomy? HA, what a joke. This is the most uncomfortable car that I have driven. I'd pick a Miata over this car when it comes to size. My Neon has worlds more room.

    The spending more than the gas will be saving is a valid argument. You buy the car solely for increased fuel economy. You can't even get a tax break on them anymore, so that takes that perk away.

    The prius is soooooooooooooooo boring to drive. It is so lazy in the corners that it feels like it wants to flip over.

    The only good thing about this car is that the ride is halfway decent for a small car.

    I absolutly love how it is hit or miss whether or not you will actually be able to fill the tank. And when you try to squeeze extra in, like you would on any other car, it shoots right back out. LAME

    The 48mpg in the city is a joke. The only way you can get 48mpg in the city is if you accelerate so slow there is a line of cars behind you that is a mile long. Effectively you are making traffic worse, and forcing these other cars to burn more gas that polutes the environment that you are trying to save.

    Want to do a price comparison?
    2008 Dodge Caliber SE, 2.0L 4 cyl, CVT, no options: ~$16,000
    29mpg Hwy

    2008 Toyota Prius, you know all the specs: ~$22,000
    45mpg Hwy

    20,000 miles/year

    Caliber uses: 690 gallons
    Prius uses: 445 gallons
    Difference: 245 gallons per year


    Total cost savings per year: $1005

    It will take 6 years to pay back the cost difference of the Prius. I bet most people don't even drive 20,000 miles per year, so the number of years for pay back only goes up. If you don't drive the Prius for 6 years, you will lose money. Add on to that that the Prius is so damn small in the drivers area that a 6' tall person can't comfortably fit.

    Final Tally
    Comfort: Caliber
    Fuel Economy: Prius
    Power: Caliber
    Cargo space: Caliber
    Price: Caliber

    Looks like the Caliber wins. Caliber >>> Prius

    In other words, the Prius is a joke. Thank you Toyota for building a car that will only fit the smallest of Americans.

    Edit: looking over another thread, a good point was brought up. Good Luck getting a Prius for MSRP. MSRP + $3000-$6000, that would be like buying a used Geo Metro for $15,000
  20. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    Dude, you are completely high. I tried out a Dodge Caliber before buying the Prius. I could not fit into the Caliber (or any other small Chrysler product) because there was not enough headroom. There is enough headroom in the Prius (just barely). I'm 6'1".