Can someone tell me whats causing this black spot here in my HID beam steps? Is it my housing or bulb or did I just align it incorrectly? Its a real eye sore while driving. (I just installed new headlight housing) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks. Car is angled downward if you are wondering why it has such a short cut off lol.
You do realize that you installed JDM headlights? The cutoffs are opposite from USDM in that the cutoffs are stepped up higher on the left. Did you cover one side at a time and adjust? Cover, then uncover, repeat. That will show you better how the two beams are overlapping. Then adjust.
Thank you! Yes I did notice that in a TRS video guide that my steps were opposite. So just move them in closer to each other right? Thanks again! Like this >> << ? Lol.
Several others have done this mod (sfv41901, and genetix come to mind), so hopefully someone will help you out. SCH-I535
This may sound counterintuitive, but try moving the passengers side over to the right first. A little hard to tell, but the right side of your pic looks a bit darker than the left side, indicating the passengers side light is way over to the left. The two overlapping beams may be causing the black/dark spot due to interference. Example is when you expect the spot on the road directly in front of the vehicle to be the brightest due to overlapping beams, but in actuality, there may be some darker areas due to this interference effect. SCH-I535