Just got an 04 with GPS and bluetooth. No problem with the handsfree recognizing my phone, calling etc but I cannot get the address book to transfer. It is true that I have more than 500 addresses but technically that should not be a problem as the manual says one can cancell the process at any time and what has been downloaded will be saved. What happens is that the handsfree sometimes recognizes the transmission and the phone book begins to transfer but the process never completes successfully even though it says it has the phone book is still empty and the handsfree will no longer recognize the treo. I have to delete the phone from the Prius records and re register it from the beginning. This happens each time I try and transfer. I have tried many times with different variations but all with a similar conclusion. Treo software is 1.17 Jonathan
Try Removing the Dashes My Outlook added dashes (xxx-xxx-xxxx) to my Contact phone numbers and everytime the Treo attempted to transfer a number with dashes, the transfer stopped. I changed my Outlook Contact view to "Arrange by", Current View", Phone List" and deleted all the dashes; worked fine. Hope this helps.
I've been working this same problem over the last 2 weeks. I have a 2005 Prius and bought a Verizon phone 2 wks ago. Went to a Toyota dealer in Ocala to get help. They were unable to help after 1 1/2 hrs time. They sent me to Verizon and I was told twice that the Verizon phone won't work with the Prius. I called Toyota and they told me that only 4 phones would work with my Prius - 1 T-Mobile Razr and 3 Cingular phones (Razr V-3, Nokia 6230 and Sony-Ericcson W-600). Toyota has a partnership with letstalk.com from whom I purchased the Nokia (Free after rebate in 4 mo.s). I got this phone on Thurs and after a couple more calls to Toyota, I got this to send the phone numbers to the car. It only does one number at a time and does not put a name with the number - a problem. Toyota wants me to take the car back to the dealer to check the blue tooth out more. I called my dealer and they are researching this problem. Today I sent the phone back to letstalk.com and they are sending me the Sony phone (again free after rebate). Toyota did not know if I could send all the numbers at once or if I'd get names with the numbers. So I'll get this in about a week and we'll see. This phone comes with a USB cable to connect to my computer to download numbers from my address book (the Nokia cable is extra at $46) Bob Hassan
Bob, There are many cell phones out there that work with Prius. Moto V551, for instance, is not on your list but it works fine (other than one contact at a time transfer). In fact, most Moto and SE (Sony Ericsson) phones have Bluetooth that work fine with Prius. I just got the Sony Ericsson W600i. You can transfer the entire phone book at one shot. It is located at contacts -> options -> advanced -> send entire phone book -> Bluetooth (try it when you get it) Since my entire phone books in in my Prius already, I haven't tried it yet. If you were talking about the W600i, it is a great Walkman phone. You will love it. I know I do.
I sort of have my Cingular Treo 650 working now with my 2006 Prius. I added the firmware updater to my Treo first. My question to anyone is how do you transfer your phonebook from the phone to the Prius? Specifically, do I need to make some sort of setting on the Treo 650 itself? The Prius screen displays a message "start the phonebook transfer from the cell phone" but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do on my Treo to initiate the transfer of my contacts to the Prius. Any instructions on transferring my phone book to the Prius would be greatfully appreciated! Chuck
With a Cingular Treo 650 it works best if you have names with one phone number with no dashes or other symbols, e.g. 7722311823. Go to your contacts, select a contact name, push the menu button, select SEND CONTACT and then select Bluetooth. The rest is clear. I haven't figured out how to send more than one name at once though it may be possible.
On my Sprint Treo 650, the contacts menu has "Beam Category" which will send all the contacts within a category (or everything if you use All for category). Actually, I set up a separate category for Prius Phonebook contacts since I needed to have only one number with each entry (2004-5 Nav system).
I just got mine working yesterday. After a year and a half with a Verizon phone I was able to switch to Cigular and got the Treo 650. I used my address book (on the Mac) to create a category with one name and one number i.e. Steve Cell, Jon Home etc and had just the numbers no extras, no dash spaces. Hot Synced to the device then used the sent category to transfer it. Open contacts. Hit the menu button select send category. Yes Bluetooth. Yes Headset. Transfer done! Worked great except one entry that did not make it. I looked at it and there was one space there. Rats. Removed the space and repeated the transfer with overwrite and it works. After all this time I now have it fully functional. Had to do a late night run to the hospital and was able to one touch the hospital twice on the way in to get an assistant and then to give orders. It was nice. No fumbling no little tiny buttons just touch the steering wheel button and the screen and you are in. Joy..
Does Caller ID work when you are connected with the Prius? I only get a messgae indicating an incoming call on the Prius screen. Also, when connected, do you also get the battery indicator to show? Mine is blank. Thank you.