$325 Brand New Assembled JuiceBox- 60A / 15kW Level 2 Charging!

Discussion in 'Private Sales' started by ny_rob, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. ny_rob

    ny_rob Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    L.I.- NY
    Other Hybrid
    $325 Brand New Assembled JuiceBox- 60A / 15kW Level 2 Charging!

    I ordered the base JuiceBox with the 25’ 32 amp J1772 cable last month, the parts arrived two weeks ago. This is the same current hardware and firmware you would get if you placed your order from Electric Motor Werks today.
    Capable of 60A / 15kW Level 2 charging!

    From the website:
    Base Edition JuiceBox gives you:
    60A / 15kW Level 2 charging - 2x faster than most EVSEs. Charge your car up to 10x faster than from 120V outlet!
    Much cheaper than comparable EVSEs
    Weather-resistant, virtually indestructible industrial enclosure
    Fully customizable, open source architecture. Many mods available / have been made by the user community already
    All protections required by EV Charging Standards: Charging Interlock, GFCI, Stuck Relay detection

    Electric Motor Werks, Inc. - CUSTOMIZABLE JuiceBox - an Open Source Level 2 (15kW) EV Charging Station

    -Assembly included crimping and then also soldering all the low current ring connectors and heat shrink tubing on all the high voltage leads… see photos.
    -Tested for two full four hour long charging sessions on my 2014 Chevy Volt at 240 volts. JuiceBox charged at the same rate as public Chargepoint station, no flaws.
    - No mounting holes drilled in metal enclosure, completely weatherproof and unmodified from factory.
    - Full 25ft length 32A J1772 cable included.

    I found I won’t need this JuiceBox because there’s now a way to mod the Volt’s OEM EVSE to charge at 240v.

    $424.00 is the current price for an assembled JuiceBox including shipping (($389 + $35 shipping) see site linked above to confirm).

    $325 is what I’m asking, includes UPS ground shipping!
    I can take PayPal or personal check (please allow 14 days to clear)

    ** Black 240v input cable in photos not included- I need that for my current EVSE **

    Any questions please feel free to ask....
    Thanks... Rob

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  2. ny_rob

    ny_rob Senior Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    L.I.- NY
    Other Hybrid
    Sold... thanks!