Any chance of posting that list? The web site doesn't look like it shows all the screens or has a complete list of what can be displayed. Thanks
Feb 9th: latest Beta test codes posted for those who like to take their CAN-videws indoors and talk to them. Adds instantaneous MPG in text, format and graph form. Thats miles-per-US-gallon for now till I get more feedback. For simplicity I've limited maximum displayed MPG to 255. I also think the occasions its over 100mpg are so rare that the graph would be more use if it were scaled 0-100 (but leave the numbers still displaying to 255) I can change it. But no doubt I'll hear other ideas..... Seeing 3mpg as I scoot off from an intersection is scary enough. Load all 3 codes or you won't get the right text on the format screen from the TV chip and you won't get a fix for occasional low temperature start problems in the IE chip.
Awsome! You are amazing... I was just going to ask you about adding this as it's the one thing that I miss from the stock screens! So, are you calculating mileage yourself, or is this a value from one of the Prius computers? I was under the impression that mileage data might exists only at the MFD, so wasn't sure if you could get that data. Any word on adding cumulative mileage aswell? No need for the fancy 5 minute graphs, unless of course it would be possible to have an even fancier line+bar type graph that I've always dreamed about... Simple cumulative per trip would be more than enough though. It's especially outstanding that it goes up to 255 MPG, that will be handy for PHEVing which should regularly exceed the stock 99.9 limitation. Probably don't need to have the graph go that high though.
Well if you want to get fancy, how about mpg graphs in 5 mile increments instead of by time! Just text readouts would work so no need for fancier graphs!
I would also be interested in the CAN ID's used in Can View also. Did anyone figure out what the mystery graph was? Don't know if your already monitoring it but could be mass air flow (if multiplied by 1100 = grams/hour)
the mystery graph seems to be tied to engine RPM's perhaps. i just rotated every other graph onto the same screen and the ICE coming on and off seems to vary at the same time. so i surmise it has something to do with gas flow or at the very least the rotation of the ICE (there are times when the ICE turns but no gas is used)
Hi- Good Idea, but where did you get that rubber looking protector strip on the back shelf below the hatch? Arnie
The 'mystery" parameter comes from CAN ID 348, byte 5 (i.e 3rd one after the length) We don't seem to have a clear concensus on it so no point in adding something we are that unsure of. I was hoping a number of people would provide an answer and present evidence to support their theory. But this one is a bit too close to some other parameters to be clear cut. May be its time to give up on this one and move on to the next mystery item. What's that? You thought I knew the answer?
on the mystery parameter, i was wondering if if might be an independent measure of the charge being produced by MG since the charge rates we get now seem to be charge consumed minus charge being produced. right now we only get the result of what is going to or coming from the battery right? no measure of the components. we dont have a measure of what each component is creating or using. now i maybe on to the idea but mixed up in logic. does this seem plausible?
Mystery Item ( address 348, byte 5): I have been watching this on the graph and comparing with other graphable parameters. First I still think this is an ICE related item. I am going to ask Mike to drive around with me and look at it. One question for Norm: On ICE start and occasionally on ICE off (1/3 of the time??) the value bounces to 100% then to 0 then to a value. Is this some sort of artifact of the CAN-View, CAN Bus or something else or is it valid data? If it is data could it be some sort of calibration? Not Prius NCF states in several spaces that the HV ECU receives data on throttle position calculates torque required and sends request to the ECM. Could this be that request from the HV ECU to the ECM ? I am going to PM Mike and see if he has some time this weekend to look at it. I think that it will be of value to have an observer and a driver. As the driver I can not (will not?) keep my eyes on the CAN-View all the time. Would there be a need to send data from the air mass sensor or other sensors or would they be directly attached to the ECM? We know the MG and inverter temps are sent direct to the HV ECU and are only discoverable by OBDII request. It seems to me that the information I have suggests that the request for torque from the HV ECU to the ECM is sent over the CAN Bus. Thoughts? With all the intelligent and interested minds here we should be able to figure this out!
Would anyone who is logging data with the CAN-View care to share the software they use to collect it and which mode (Raw or Formatted) you prefer? I tried to use my palm pilot but I don't think it's serial port is fast enough, any chance of getting slower rates?
So has anyone with a 2k6 Prius ordered and installed the Can-View? I proudly drive a Option 6 2k6, Driftwood Pearl and would be interested in the Can-View. I've read through the entire 12 pages of this article, so no flaming that I didn't. If there is more information concerning the status of the Can-View for the 2k6, please pass along the links. Thanks
Short answer is no but I think Norm is working on it. He has a electronic copy of the service manuals (4 vol.). They made some changes in the plugs and electronics. It took quite a time for Norm to get plugs for the Nav equipped 04-05s even now he can not just order the number he wants he gets a few (5?) at a time through 2 sources. Toyota just does not see the need for someone to get like 50 or what ever. I think he also needs a car to work on for a few days. In the past he started with a prototype that was spliced into the wiring then moved on to the plug in versions.
Mike had some thoughts along the same lines. He thought is was something he and the other Tech there on Saturday called the delta charge (rate of change) but could not show it on the THHS. I have twice seen the mystery item at 0 with the ice running while the car was in park and the ICE came on to charge the battery. Battery level was around 40%. It was while we were sitting in the parking lot at the dealer and Mike was exploring possibilities. He is going to ask around.