Okay, so now I'm really getting down to buying my Prius. It seems to me that I remember once coming across a file, a thread or something that had this grand list of names for personalized plates for Prius owners. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Perhaps some has an link? I also just want to say thanks to everyone on this site. I have so much informatioin in my head in preparation of my big purchase all due to this great group!
I spent some time in the Washington State DOL site looking for good plates. All the good, obvious ones are taken. I really wanted "AMPED". I briefly considered "AC-DC", but was worried about getting hit on by interesting people and by cowboys.
I do not know if this is what you saw before but hybridcars.com had a vanity plate contest in December. http://www.hybridcars.com/discussion/discu...hp?thread_id=65 -- Cindy
It's fun to sit around with a bunch of friends trying to think up something original for a plate. At one time you could visit state MVD sites and find out whether someone had already thought of it or not. More recently though when I've looked for those sites, they've been removed for purposes of personal privacy (apparently there had been some abuses).
My all time favorite was on a Renault LeCar running around Seattle with the license plate "AUMERDE" . DMV never caught on to that one.
There are 3-4 vanity plate threads if you want to dig for them---should all be in FHOP but one or more might be in the Main Forum. After spending way too much time considering ideas, my favorites are GOOD4US NOPEC (just recently suggested) LESSOIL 4 GEEKS (mine, to arrive any day)
I hate explaining a joke, but seeing this requires some translation .... Au is pronounced 'Oh' in French. Merde, well it's the stuff you don't want to step in.
Illinois has some goofy rules about license plates - if it starts or ends with a number (but can't intermix letters and numbers) then it's a personalized plate, only costs one-time fee of $11. If its all letters (or all numbers) then its a vanity plate, and costs $75 plus renewal charges. At least, those were the basic rules (there are more) when I got my plates awhile back. I currently have LOTOLV4 on my plates, but I'm thinking of changing it. It's supposed to mean "Lot to live for", but people ask if I won the lottery or I'm a Lotto lover. The closest people come is "lot to love for" (I guess all those o's get people thinking the same vowel). So after reviewing the link to hybrid cars, I've got a few new ideas, with an eye towards cheap IL plates: 1 LORAX LOW CO2 4N OIL SX (can't fit SUX on there) 4N OIL H8 (again, would like to have H8R) PARANOIL (paranoid about oil, but 8 letters) I liked the PUK OFEC and NIMHROD plates, but I don't think I'd do that for myself. nerfer
Here in CA I was going to try for ANTOPEC (Anti-OPEC). Not the best, but I'm still working on a good one.