Can anyone recommend a rear bumper guard for Prius v (2012)? I live in NYC where nicks to the rear bumper are common in the garages with attendants parking the car in over-crowded garages. I searched the site, did not find recommendations. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I have the following: Rear bumper: A product from Parking Armor. It's thicker than other bumper guards (foam vs. rubber), but is worth it to me, especially after a $500 repair. Front bumper: A product from BumpShox. (Being new here, I can't post links directly yet, but the above should at least be useful for Googling). Benjamin
I also have a Bumpshox front bumper thing + Bumperbully when I have to park on the streets. That said - NYC is a place where no one takes accountability for damaging someone else's property. From people who puts bags of rusty tools on your hood, taxi's sideswiping your car, or motorcyclists parking so close to your bumpers that you have to move their bikes over (manually). All that said- the garages as you mentioned are not much better unless you pay the attendant to park your car in some dedicated place, or have a Maybach, or similar where any scratch on the vehicle means a lawyer calling your parking garage and hauling your tuckus off to court.
What do people think of LuvTap bumper guard VS Bumptek stick on Rear Bumper (48") and Corner 24"? LuvTap is currently $99 and Bumptek would be $70.