I'm coming from a 2000 insight and I must say I'm really glad I made the switch. More power, room, and the ac stays on when the motor shuts off in the C. I hated the insight for that. Is their an instantaneous mpg meter on the C? not just trip mpg.
Welcome and congrats on the C! I am not sure on the instantaneous MPG, but I have it on my Scan Gauge II.
Have you pushed the Disp button while it is running to see what different displays come up ? As was said, one display is called 5 minute consumption and the right bar is instantaneous. Do you have an owner's manual ?? P.S. Welcome to the forum. It is usually necessary to post questions only ONCE to get a good answer.
Yes I have a manual but I didn't quite see what I was looking for. As I said earlier, I was coming from an insight and that car didn't have the technology and gauges this car has. As for the double post, my computer did that. I lost connectivity and when I got it back it somehow posted twice . I spent a good ten minutes trying to delete one of the other posts with no luck. Just an edit button but, no delete post button. I'm assuming by the multiple question marks you were being sarcastic. thanks.
Not instantaneous with an exact number , but you can get this which will give you a little bar graph. It's in the settings under 5 minute consumption. Personally, I don't use it much. It would usually show the instantaneous under current.
How to Bar Graph! Turn on the car. Tap DISP on your steering wheel until you get the icon on the screen that reads "Settings & Screen Off" Hold DISP for around 2 seconds. This will take you to the settings menu. Once there, tap DISP until you get down to "Menu Screen Selection" hold DISP. Once in "Menu Screen Selection tap DISP once and you'll get to "5 min. consumption". Turn "5 min consumption" on by holding DISP. Tap DISP and get to return, and exit the settings. Celebrate.
thanks, but as I stated in my post I was looking for an instantaneous display. Its rather unfortunate we don't have one.
The right hand column on the bar graph, labeled "CURRENT" IS an instantaneous display. Give it a try. And now that you know the basics, you should be able to find the right section in the manual for additional information. And the ?? is just a bad habit I have, indicating only a tiny bit of sarcasm. Sorry.
I believe this is one of the two functions the head unit can display as well, at least in the 3/4. Hit the Car button on the right side of it and it will switch to a screen that can be toggled between energy flow and consumption.
It does on the 3/4; maybe not on the 1 or 2. I don't like that "feature". It takes the drivers attention (line of sight) too far away from the road, for too long and too often.
Agreed, much too far out of the way to be of much use while driving. The liftback's ability to have real time MPG right next to the HSI screen on the main panel is one of the few things I envy about it.
I am under the impression that the ODO display does, in fact, show instantaneous gas mileage. The Trip A & B displays show MPG from last reset. I reset Trip A every time I fill up and that gives me a good indication of overall MPG for that tank (although mine reads about 2 mpg high). But I can see the more-or-less instantaneous change in MPG when it's on ODO.
The ODO shows trip gas mileage for that trip from the point you turn the car on until you turn the car off. The OP is asking for on-the-fly mpgs.
Indeed, you're right - I realized my error yesterday when I started looking at it more closely. My bad. I tried the 5-minute display (I'd turned it off) out of curiosity and I instantly saw the difference. I find that display interesting but too distracting for regular driving.
It wouldn't have taken much, software coding wise, to turn that "current" bar graph into a digital numerical display, or to have added one somewhere else on the screen. There is certainly enough empty space. It's so easy in fact, one has to wonder if they didn't leave it out on purpose, for some reason.
I get that some people really really like the instantaneous mileage readings, but I've got to say I've never really understood them. They read really bad when you're accelerating and really great when you're gliding. I've put it as one of the gauges on my ScanGauge from time to time, but I never keep it there for long as I simply don't see the utility of that information. IMO the HSI is a much more useful indicator if you want to limit performance in favour of better mileage.
Well yes, that IS how things work. The gas mileage IS really low when accelerating and really high when gliding. Thus if you have a really heavy foot and "drive it like you stole it", your average mileage will be really low. Conversely, if you drive like you have the proverbial egg between your foot and the gas pedal, your mileage will be quite high. You can't change the laws of physics.......and you can't change the mathematics of averages either. What is HSI and how do you think it is better ? ALL of the "efficiency" displays use the same inputs; they just draw the picture differently.
Exactly, which is why I prefer the HSI display, but in Torque (and I presume Scangauge) numeric format. With apologies to Ogden Nash... "... (eye) candy's dandy, but 'figgers' are quicker" GT-I9300 ?