I'm sure many PIP owners wonder, as I do, when to use EV and when to use HV on each trip longer than the EV range. This gets even more complicated when it's cold and ICE warm-up is factored in. In my case I have about 1.5 miles of low speed, subdivision, before I get to 55MPH limit roads. Is it more fuel efficient to warm up the ICE on the low speed roads so it is up to temperature for the 55 mph stretch or to wait for the 55 limit before selecting HV? In either case I'm using EV battery while the ICE is warming up.
yes, i would give it a good running start on ev, then hit hv and coast until i need to speed up again, feathering the gas to keep it at speed. even better, just turn up the temp, it will stay in ev but warm up the ice for you and provide heat at the same time. then i go back to ev for the slowest, flattest segments of the remainder of my drive, being sure to use up the ev before recharging.
I would opt to go EV until going 55 MPH. Starting the warm up in the first 1.5 miles probably includes 0 MPG and wasted gas while waiting at stops. The only times I want to start in HV is when it is really cold to get the engine warmed up for cabin heat.
There's no one best way to do it. Everyone's environment is different and you may need to experiment to find out which is best. For me, I like to switch to HV as soon as the light turns green and I have a straight shot to the freeway exit. My experience so far is that it's better to warm up the HV at low speeds because as you already know, EV is being used until the ICE warms up. Unfortunately, the slow neighborhood speeds where I live include a lot of wasteful stop signs and red lights. I don't like idling at a stop. I'd rather burn up EV at full on acceleration to freeway speeds. iPhone ?
I use it whenever I can. I see no point in holding it in reserve. Whenever I can get plug-in power, I use it, as it is much cheaper than buying gas.
i use EV til i hit the freeway. --unless i know i get back to my charging location within the same trip then i keep it in ev the entire time.
On trips of 100 miles or so mixed driving, I use the EV in town when it is relatively flat. On the highway I use the ICE except for gentle highway down slopes which are ideal for EV mode. My last tank was a real 100 mpg over 740 miles using this approach. Definitely all electric for short slow trips as well.