I live in oklahoma City and am in need of a new hybrid battery. Im having trouble locating any in my area for sale. If you have one or know of one in the OKC metro area please call or text John at 405.595.7805 Thank you in advance!
Hit up Olathe Toyota if you're looking for new parts. Genuine Toyota Parts - Cheap Toyota Parts Store - Factory Parts That's the link I just posted below my last post...sorry
You may want to check out Dorman Hybrid. They bought out Re-Involt, which has been referenced positively in post on PC. Dorman Hybrid Drive Batteries Looks like the cost for your '06 would be $1875…. not sure if that is installed or not. Good luck.
Im trying to find one near my home to avoid paying shipping and core charges. I had some good luck yesterday with a salvage yard owner. He didnt have any in stock, but can order one from a wrecked prius. If all goes well today I will be purchasing a used battery pack today for $800 shipped. The owner of the yard is personally guaranteeing the battery. If anyone has any experience in this I would love your feedback, and with all due respect I dont want to hear your skepticism of used car parts.
You'll want specifics about the guarantee. How many day warranty, how many mile warranty, etc May just be a DOA warranty. I have lots of experience with used, rebuilt, refurbished and new batteries. All have their pluses and minuses. If you are interested, you could ask how they check their batteries. There are a few that do some quantitative tests on them. But most yards don't do any checking at all since they do not have the tools, time, or know-how to check them. Easier to warranty it and just send you a different one if the first one fails. That said, it makes it much less expensive to you since they do not have any money into it other than taking out of the vehicle. If they let you keep your core, you could open it up, strip out the old batteries and then do some testing. Recycle the bad ones and keep the good ones stored for future use to replace in your junkyard one if needed after the warranty period. Worth investing some time and money into the tools.
I sincerely appreciate the help I received from everyone. I purchased a used battery and it will arrive on wednesday.
Can you share with us the details about some of the questions? What is the warranty? Do they check them? Do you get to keep your core?
I had the most success with salvage yards. I called about 10 different ones in the Oklahoma City metro, and none of them had a Prius in their inventory. I guess here in Oklahoma the salvage dealers have a network allowing them to see the inventory of other dealers and to order parts from all over the United States. The dealer I went with was Nations Auto Salvage. I ordered the battery pack on thursday. He required at least 50% down. He stated up front that he will warranty the pack for 30 days. If the pack is bad I can bring it back and he will order a new one. He did want my core. He stated that if I did not bring the core when I pick up the new pack he will add $200 to the price. Im thinking of keeping my core, paying the $200, and selling to a third party if I can make some money. The final price after tax and shipping was $850. He stated that the people he is ordering from do check the battery and guarantee it to be charged. okcpriusguy
Good info. Thanks for following up. 90 day part warranty Guaranteed not to be DOA (dead on arrival) Although you don't get a new battery, or refurbished battery you at least get a different one. And of course the initial cash outlay is less. Keep us in the loop on any updates. Especially after the 90 days.
One thing to keep in mind is that even though the battery may be charged and functioning, there is no way to know the capacity of the modules in the pack without discharging/recharging it. I recently pulled a battery pack out of an 01 model that had 1 bad block (pair). I'm reconditioning the other 36 now. Most are improving greatly from their run-down state. I have 4 or 5 that I'm having a hard time getting the capacity back up in. Even those will be functional for a while, but they probably won't last as long as one that is closer to new condition. Seeing what the capacities were really makes me wonder how long it would have lasted had I only replaced the 2 modules that were bad or just swapped the pack out. In my honest opinion, replacing a battery pack with a salvage pack is no different than exchanging an engine or transmission. The lower cost is great compared to buying a new one. But you just don't know how long it may last. I don't mean that in a bad way. I've just always preferred to get my used parts in top shape while they were out of the car so I didn't have to worry about when they would go out. I am going to pick up 3 genII packs Tuesday and plan to recondition them and upgrade my genI pack. I'll probably have one for sale next month, which I'll list here. I plan to start reconditioning packs as a sideline business very soon. I can sell a reconditioned pack with near new capacity for nearly the same price as a salvage pack. Also, if you keep your pack let me know. I might be interested in buying it. Thanks.
Thank you for the very detailed response. I have the ability to read the block voltage and I noticed that block #9 was reading slightly different from the rest about a week before the car logged a DTC. I thought about trying to replace individual modules, but I don't have the expertise or the time. I feel confident that when I receive the salvage pack I will be able to look at the voltages and resistance to tell if I have a faulty pack. Is there anything you recommend that I keep an eye on? okcpriusguy
You are the right track to monitor. Of course there is not much h you can do, other than be aware of it's status. Best of luck. Hope they picked you one that will last for a while.
Just make sure your wire connections and bus bars are clean before you put it in. This could cause heat and poor service and/or burnt wires. My main battery cable was burnt stiff and the whole ring terminal was completely gone on the module that failed in the 01 I just bought. There was heavy build up on the nuts that hold the battery cable on. I put them in a container of baking soda and water and brushed them clean with a wire brush then cleaned all the ring terminals and bus bars. You can clean the acid off and put them in vinegar and they'll look like a new penny. Good Luck!
Great information. I was curious of any PM I should do on the salvage pack prior to installation. I've set aside an entire day off work to install this battery, so I will not have to rush. Thank you.
Nothing you could get done in one day but to look at/clean all cable and wiring harness contacts, making sure to snug them up good, but not too good. I think most of the connections torque to around 4 to 6 ft/lbs. I'd have to look again. Also, when you install the service plug make SURE to flip it up to close and then push it straight down to lock. You'll see a slot for the peg at the bottom so it will push downward. If you don't lock it down you're not going anywhere after it powers up.
Ok, a little update. The salvage yard owner gave me a call and stated that he could not get the hybrid battery due to shipping issues and that he would refund my money. So, I decided to go with Greentech auto. Toyota Prius Gen 2 Hybrid Battery | Hybrid Battery Replacement The remanufactured battery was $1100.00 and the refundable core charge was $500. They gave me $100 off because I'm a veteran, which I thought was very kind. The battery has a 6 month unlimited mileage warranty. Im going to do a self install to save the $400 installation charge. The battery will be shipped to me for free, but return shipping of my core will come out of the refundable core deposit. So far I've been very pleased with the customer service. Very good people. I highly recommend them. okcpriusguy
I installed the hybrid battery from greentecauto.com last Thursday. It took me about 3.5 hours to complete everything. I was really surprised at how self explanatory everthing was back there. When I first turned my car on it threw the MIL, I was frantic. Well, after I took a breath I realized that I forgot to replace the orange safety plug. So, I cleared the code, plugged it in, and started the car. No problems at all. My car is running better than ever. I cleaned the fan while I was back there, but I wish I wouldve had the cash to do the back struts too, but oh well. I couldn't have done this as easily without this wonderful online community. Thank you. okcpriusguy