so I took my first solo drive on a commute I've been doing for 15 years... Usually, the traffic on this commute takes me about 90 minutes (w/o traffic, it can be a 28 minute drive, just for reference), I did it today in 35 minutes!
Double edged sword. Points out that CA is selling PHEV and BEV due to high value of incentives, especially the HOV incentive. PiP sales have probably been minimum 45% to CA alone -- Zythryn guesstimates 60%. With the CA Green HOV Stickers gone, how well will PiP's sell? Lower prices I suppose, big Fall sales? The only other states with such a strong HOV factor might be VA and NY LIE, but neither of those right now are mandating plug-ins to get the HOV benefit.
I should have done this 2 years ago, cost be damned. The time savings are insane--though yes the additional discounts for getting it now was nice too. Not only was I home about an hour earlier, but it was a much calmer commute since there were fewer stop and go in that lane. Plus settings the DRCC and the fact that in LA no one should be cutting into your lane (though some do, so you still have to be vigilant), makes for a very relaxing experience. In fact, I got home early enough to have time to walk around the block and throw around a ball in the park with the spouse for a bit. Wow. Speechless.
That's great! I was looking into buying PIP 2 years ago as well, but I couldn't justified the extra cost. Got it in Jan for the same reason. Loving it every min. in it. Time and your health is priceless, so we are all winners here. Have fun!
AomC, which freeway(s) are you using? I'm waiting for the HOV lane to be completed on the 405 through the Sepulveda Pass. And I agree, you really have to watch out for scofflaws who cross over the double yellow lines, sometimes quite suddenly.
The 91E. I do know up in the Bay Area and some other parts of SoCal, they use this "enter at any time" lane... kind of scary to me... especially when you're going 60 and they are trying to accelerate from 10mph!!! But on this stretch it's the solid double yellow (not that everyone knows it's not meant to be crossed, silly drivers!).
I don't think HOV Stickers exempt you from the 91 Fastrak, so you would need a transponder and would need to pay for that section.
Your experience is not unlike many others, myself included, and difficult for a non-owner to quantify. Like you I was spoiled from the first day.
A lot of us do The daily question always is whether to take the 605/710/110N to the 105 to the 405, or instead to take the 110S to the 405 lol.
Farther down, in Riverside, I believe so. Otherwise for my stretch it's just a regular road. Took me 50 minutes today, door to door, but that was with a disabled vehicle blocking the #1 lane. I can only imagine then how long it would have been on the regular lanes.
I get on at Beach Blvd in the morning and take the 91W - 110S - 405N and exit Imperial by LAX. The PiP has saved me almost 30-40 minutes each way since i've gotten it. Well worth it to me.