hi i have a 261000 k first gen prius. I have to change a cell couple of month ago and get some more problem with now. i guess i will remove the batterie pack once again, But now, the probleme is not like the first time, for sure the red triangle and the red car with ! in mfd still on but everithing work, battery charge but somtime empty in a short laps of time. Also, somtime, i run the car and by it self, the gas motor go up in revolution and i got no more control with gas pedal. Ihave to stop the car and restart and everythings work good for a while. Do somebody know if i should start with batterie pack or computer ^
Most likely the battery. Changing a cell is not enough. The whole pack needs to be rebalanced. If not, the unbalanced pack could ruin the other cells. I think that is happening in your case. I am not an expert on reconditioning but I think your best bet is probably to get a balanced used pack from a known third party company.
I agree with seawolf. now I may have a solution for you to borrow you some time. I just acquired some 2012 cells from two sellers on ebay whose prius got totalled. one had 7900miles the other 9000miles. i got them for a great price. one seller sent me 10 good ones the other i bought the whole pack of 28. the 10 just arrived and so far they are steady at 7.58 volts. now I will in the next week or so be running tests and cycling them to make sure they are good. if all goes well Im going to pull the pack out of my gen 1. Here are the specs on the pack in my gen 1: Its a 2001 and has 175k on it. I rebuilt this pack in september of 2013 with 3 known good cells I purchased from Bob Wilson(who is a genius when it comes to these cars) and they have 3.5mah left in them... so a little over half capacity. so far according to my scanguage the voltages are a consistent .1 to.3 volts from lowest block to highest block voltage. even when it was -10 here. under load(first startup, or driving with engine off) the farthest ive seen it get was .4 to.6v but it bounces right back to the .1 to .3v almost immediately So the pack so far is good. I have a writeup somewhere here with bob wilsons help on what I did to teardown and rebalance and rebuild the pack and I rearranged the modules. It went well and all i used was a superbrain 979 charger, a voltmeter, some solid copper house wire, and taillight bulbs. Only reason i'm replacing the modules is because if these modules i just bought check out, I got a heck of a deal. other than that, i would of left the pack in my car alone until i saw wild voltage swings and then replace them. check out this link: this is my post on what I did with my battery to rebalance it and get it working pretty well: while i have the HV battery out of my gen1 | PriusChat If you want and are able to hold out, I will sell you my old pack, I dont know how far it will get you but maybe it can borrow you enough time to put some funds together to get a decent 2nd or 3rd gen rebuilt pack. its up to you. Scott
Depending of the price of corse cause transport could be expensive Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
i could look up the shipping from your zip and go from there. depending on that probably would send in two boxes but ill start with shipping quotes and see what comes up
Hello, The problem with replacing one or two modules are: getting all modules balance charged - very critical with aged modules getting match modules - another variation of all modules balanced How quickly must it be repaired? Time allows more affordable parts and improves the quality of repair. Is this car your only transportation? Having alternative transportation can give time to do a better repair. Bob Wilson ps. Le problème avec le remplacement d'un ou deux modules sont: équilibrer tous les modules - très critique obtenir des modules égaux - une autre variante de tous les modules egaux Combien de temps pour faire ce repare? Avec temps il permet les pièces les plus abordables et améliore la qualité de la réparation.
Wow you pretty good in french yes i got an other car it like. A chalenge to bring this car to half million kilometers Envoyé de mon iPhone à l'aide de Tapatalk
Sans l'aide: "Merci, j'etude Franscais pour trois anne au Lycee en 1963-1966. Mais Google aide." Avec Google: Merci, j'étudie français pendant trois ans en 1963-1966. Par l'utilisation de Google, je corriges de nombreux problèmes. Later today, I will post more technical details in both English and French. Hopefully, it will make sense to everyone. Plus tard aujourd'hui, je vais poster les détails plus techniques en anglais et en français. Espérons que cela fera sens pour tout le monde. Bob Wilson
Je vais séparer les sections française et anglaise. Premier sera le français, suivi par les Anglais. Nous devons étudier ce sont les ressources en matériel, logiciel, et les gens. Par exemple, nous savons qu'il ya une Prius NHW11 avec des cellules de batterie remplacés mais certains ont échoué. Pour faire du bon travail, cette tâche nécessite des compétences et des outils, au minimum un voltmètre et outils à main. Mais nous ne devons pas oublier les hommes ont des emplois, des familles et des vies et nous ne pouvons pas passer tout notre temps à jouer avec nos voitures. C'est ce que je veux dire par le matériel, les logiciels (connaissances), et les gens. Quel matériel ou des outils avez-vous? Prius OBD scanner qui peut lire les tensions de batterie ou avez-vous de lire directement la tension? Le scanner OBD évite d'avoir à retirer le couvercle de la batterie pour voir ce qui se passe à l'intérieur et est important quand nous allons tester la voiture. Avez-vous une alimentation en courant continu ou smart radio véhicule contrôlé, chargeur de batterie? Nous avons besoin de cela pour équilibrer les bonnes batteries. Qu'est-ce que les tensions et les ampères pour l'alimentation en courant continu? S'il vous plaît décrire vos compétences électroniques? Cela me permet de communiquer sans chercher à être trop simple ou de parler comme je le fais quand murmurant à moi-même dans la voiture. Enfin, combien de temps avons-nous pour terminer le travail? Aussi, combien d'heures pouvez-vous mettre sur ce projet et de toujours garder la famille heureuse? Y at-il un montant maximum d'argent pour les pièces et les outils? Étape 1: Pouvez-vous obtenir les codes d'erreur de la OBD de la voiture? Pouvez-vous lire les tensions de batterie à l'aide de l'OBD? Étape 2: Garez la voiture où il n'aura pas à se déplacer. Débranchez la batterie 12V "B-". Ensuite, retirez la batterie de traction. Mettez-le où vous pouvez travailler, en toute sécurité, et pas pressé .. Étape 3: Utilisez votre voltmètre pour mesurer les batteries. Le premier est par l'électronique de commande. Le dernier, «38», est à l'autre extrémité. Décrire l'état général à la recherche de la corrosion et des lignes brisées. Chaque batterie comporte six cellules de 1.0-1.3V chacun. Si une cellule est en panne, il sera faible, ~ 1,2 V, par rapport au reste. Mais il aura couru chaud et pourrait affaiblir les piles de chaque côté. Si vous êtes chanceux, toutes les batteries seront moins de 0.5V tension différente de l'autre. Ceci suggère une ou plusieurs des lignes de détection cassé. En outre, un écrou borne peut-être desserré. Ces deux va amener la pile à coup sûr. Aller acheter un billet de loterie avec votre bonne chance! S'il vous plaît de partager ce que vous trouvez et nous allons continuer. Nous voulons régler le vrai problème. Robert Wilson - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I will separate the French and English sections . First will be the French followed by English. We need to survey what resources exist in hardware, software, and people. For example, we know there is an NHW11 Prius with some battery cells replaced but some have failed. To do the job right, this task requires some skills and tools, at a minimum a volt meter and hand tools. But we must not forget men have jobs, families, and lives and we can not spend all our time playing with our cars. This is what I mean by hardware, software (knowledge), and people. What hardware or tools do you have? Prius OBD scanner that can read the battery voltages or do you have to read the voltage directly? The OBD scanner avoids having to remove the battery cover to see what is going on inside and is important when we go to test the car. Do you have a DC power supply or smart radio controlled vehicle, battery charger? We need this to balance the good batteries. What voltages and ampers for the DC power supply? Please describe your electronic skills? This helps me to communicate without trying to be too simple or talking like I do when muttering to myself in the car. Finally, how long do we have to complete the work? Also, how many hours can you put on this project and still keep the family happy? Is there a maximum amount of money for parts and tools? Step 1: Can you get any error codes from the car OBD? Can you read the battery voltages using the OBD? Step 2: Park the car where it will not have to move. Disconnect the 12V battery "B-". Then remove the traction battery. Put it where you can work on it, safely, and not in a hurry.. Step 3: Use your voltmeter to measure the batteries. The first is by the control electronics. The last, "38", is at the other end. Describe the overall condition looking for corrosion and any broken lines. Each battery has six cells of 1.0-1.3V each. If a cell has failed, it will be low, ~1.2V, compared to the rest. But it will have run hot and could weaken the batteries on each side. If you are lucky, all of the batteries will be less than 0.5V different voltage of each other. This suggests one or more of the sense lines broke. Also, a terminal nut might be loose. Both of these will cause the battery to fail. Go buy a lottery ticket with your good luck! Please share what you find and we'll proceed. We want to fix the real problem. Bob Wilson