Hi.. So does mini-VCI have all the same features that the mangoose thing has?.. or does mangoose do a couple of special things that the mini-VCI can't?.. Also, do I have to have one of those plus techstream to diagnose the car to see error codes?.. My master warning light is on, and so is the check-engine light.. So I would really like to know what is wrong with my car.. Any way, any information on the differences between these 2 cables would be nice..
Okay thanks.. Is there a certain version that I should avoid getting?.. I think I read before some people having trouble with ones coming with a certain firmware version inside of the cable (or some thing like that)..I don't remember clearly.. And then, is there some site like amazon or some where you would recommend getting one?.. Also, just to comfirm, this cable (plus teamstream) CAN diagnose what is wrong with a toyota vehicle, right?..
I think they all come with techstream software. It's best to get it through Amazon. Yes the MiniVci will be able to diagnose the problem with your car. It can read all of the Prius codes and perform many diagnostic functions.
If you buy the official Mongoose Pro and Techstream software from Toyota then you should be able to do things like upgrading ECU firmware. I wouldn't trust Mini VCI to do something like that. Mini VCI is good for reviewing the numerous parameters tracked by the various ECUs and retrieving DTC.
I can upgrade the prius's ECU? Is there actually a newer version of it?.. And does it provide any major benefits?..
If you are talking about a 2005, the engine and hybrid vehicle ECUs will have updated firmware available, beyond what was loaded at the time of production. The benefit typically will be to improve power train driveability. If you don't have any problems in that area then there is no pressing need to update the firmware.
You'll have to inquire with Toyota regarding what privileges you will have if you purchase Mongoose Pro and Techstream Lite from them. It looks like you need to pay for the professional level of subscription. TIS
It looks like you can get a 2-day professional subscription for $55 it seems.. So that isn't too bad I guess.. I guess I should get a mangoose cable I suppose, although they sure are very much more expensive compared to the cheap mini-VCI cable..
They share the same software, vehicle model and functions, but differ in outlook and manufacture. MINI VCI is cheaper than Mangoose VCI