I have 4.2 NAV software that came with my 05. It's about 3 years old as you can compare with ADC maps. When I took him in for a regular service and up-date request , my service rep said I have the most current edition. Does anyone have a newer version?? If so, where can I get them? I do home inspections and the NAV system is the best thing next to the BLUETOOTH. Any in-put is greatly appreciated. Andy
Andy, I believe the latest DVD version is 5.1. I'm not where I can get any more info at this point, so I can't help you with finding an upgrade, but I'm sure there is someone here who can. I believe they are fairly pricey, though. Jim
Toyota Parts has them for $230 (ouch), but I'd call to find would which version. The is supposed to be 2, one for 2004-2005 and one for 2006 (because of the enhanced graphics).
I just called my local Toyota dealership and they want $200 for the v5.1 Navigation DVD. aaf709, are you saying that if I want to purchase a new DVD I have to specify my model year so that I get the proper v5.1 DVD? I'd think that Toyota would simply have one DVD that would work differently depending on the navigation system being used in the vehicle. If you are indeed correct, that would really stink. Edit: I just called a friend of mine that works for Toyota to clarify this. According to my friend in the Toyota parts department, there is only one version of the DVD regardless of being an '05 or '06. Enhanced graphics are not an issue that my friend knows of. I hope this helps you. Since I am posting.... I hope that that this is not the forum, but I am not a happy camper about having to pay to get the new DVD. The current version in my '05 Prius is so inaccurate that it is pathetic. Major roadways are missing from the map, and roads are on the map that do not even exist. When I called Toyota about it, they told me I had to pay for the upgrade. I tried to explain to them that this is not an upgrade for me, but rather a fix to a problem. If I had purchased an old-fashioned paper map (note to self: gargle later for saying that) and it did not have major roadways on it, I would get a new map or a refund. Then Toyota tried to tell me that their DVD is like Microsoft Windows in that upgrades are paid for. I reminded Toyota that Microsoft updates their software on a weekly basis and that the updates are free. There is a big difference in my eyes between an upgrade and a problem fix.