Hello All, My Prius seems to be lately pulling slightly to the right after switching out the winter tires/wheels. Another issue I have always had is that at highway speeds, I always find myself having to give slight inputs to the steering constantly to keep it going straight. I am planning to take the car in for an alignment in the next few days and I was wondering if there are recommended alignment settings that have been known to work better than the factory specs. Thanks.
Beware of worn ball-joints. My old Corolla (292k miles) showed similar symptoms, as well as wearing the tyres abnormally. DROID4 ?
I had the alignment checked yesterday and although front right caster and rear left toe are slightly out of the ranges, the alignment tech said to ignore them since the total toe is still in range. I would appreciate any suggestions/advice. Attached is the alignment sheet.
I wonder why did the tech say to ignore the fact that some of the measurements were out? To me, the thing is either right, or wrong! No in-between, a bit like being "just a little bit" pregnant! I think I'd want it to be right on the button, especially if I were paying for the tyres!
Your rear toe is way off on one side. My car was delivered from the factory the same way except it was the right rear on mine, the left rear on yours. You need to go to a good alignment shop (maybe not the dealer) and they can shim the left rear. It will make highway speed handling much better, trust me.
I took it to another Alignment shop this morning and they reported everything within alignment specs (all green). TO THE MODERATOR: I have the title wrong here. If you can replace "recommendations" in the title with "advice needed", I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Did you get a printout of the latest alignment check? Your toe on the LR was pretty bad on the previous one.