Voter opinion doesn't affect the decisions made by the Gov and the CSL? From what I understand a statute is needed to extend or delete the date of 1/1/2008. Presumably if the winds are anti-hybrid (like this article) this statue will not be extended. Tell me I'm wrong so I can calm down about this.
This is the most rediculous thing. I know first hand that people are way to busy being donkey to realize that they are speeding. When i drive the LIE (Long Island Expressway) i drive 60 - 65, that is 10 to 15 miles over the posted speed limit, i get way to many people that pass be and ride my nice person. An HOV lane is not for people who want to go 80mph it's for car pooling. I love how people that go 80mph decide that you are not driving right when they are the ones breaking the speed limit. I notice that most LIE drivers average speed is 80 - 85 mph. That's just stupid. On a final note, even when i had my 310hp VW Touareg i never drove that fast unless there was an idiot behind me pushing me, and i would let them pass as soon as i got the chance.