I got an 2006 (manufactured in Jan 06) and it did not come with a leather portfolio. I just bought the after-market one from Kendall (see link in previous posts) and was disappointed with the cheap clear plastic insert they included. Once inserted, the openings are face down! :angry: The oposite of the openings in the inside flaps pf the portfolio itself!! Anyone else notice this?
We got the manila envelope as well. :angry: I asked our dealer if they had portfolio's and the salesman looked at me as if I was from another country. :huh: We ended up buying a plastic portfolio with dividers from Office Depot for $5. They are a little smaller than the width of a legal sized envelope but large enough to hold the manuals, registration, insurance forms, and maintenance log. They had several colors to choose from. It is like an accordion style file system and has a flap with a bungee cord latch attached to it. I like it because it fits perfect in the rear of the '06 glove box. I have seen the same product at Wal-Mart for around the same price as well. I did not get the "Toyota" logo, but I am quite handy with a Sharpie
Mine didn't come w/any leather pouch. I saw the salesman take the manuals out of a brown manila envelope and put them in the dealer's red plastic pouch. I'd conclude from all this that either Toyota doesn't include them or dealers keep them and resell them.
Yeah, same here. I ended up just throwing out the little plastic insert thing, and put my smaller cards in the smaller mesh sleeves instead. Don't know why they even included the stupid plastic insert, it seemed almost useless to me.
Nah, I didn't keep it out long enough to detect an odd solvent-y odor. I removed the plastic insert, put a few cards and the manual inside, then tossed the thing in the glovebox.
sweet looking.. I want one... does the dealer have any for sale? An upscale holder for a upscale car...
These are dealer "premiums", some dealers even put their names on them. Sam's Club and Walmart sell real nice leather and canvas Bible covers with pen holders and other pockets. I just purchased a pack of three at Sam's Club for under $10 B)
I wonder if I just live in the wrong part of the country! Too many heathens here? Care to share the wealth?
Walmart probably carry some of these Bible covers: http://www.thomasnelson.com/consumer/dept....Level_id=190000
One of our members made these with vinyl, so some of us have them- if you are handy ( he disappeared, so no more to be had). [attachmentid=2482][attachmentid=2481]
What was the name of your dealer?? I wanna call them and ask if they'd sell one to me. I'm hindered by the vinyl pouch blues.
The dealer was: Classic Toyota 2307 North I-35 P.O. Box 2020 (zip 78680) Round Rock, TX 78664 Phone: (512) 244-6900 Fax: (512) 244-7879 I hope they can help you out, they've been good to me so far. Lewis
I called. You can order them direct from Toyota Motor Sales at (800) 622-2033, part #00116PORTF00SM. They are $8.95 plus $6.00 UPS for 48 states. They ship out of California. You can also order them through your local parts department, which is what I'm doing since they only ship UPS and my shipping would be over $20.00 (Hawaii). The women I spoke to at Toyota Motor Sales thought they had a zipper but she hadn't seen one in about 2 years so they probably changed them. This is where Classic Toyota gets them and they only have one type of leather pouch for the owners manual.