I have some items for the gen 3 for sale..... pick-up preferred.... Items are in Rancho Cucamonga or Irvine (or meet up somewhere in between) 1. Grazio & Co Front bumper duct (new and unpainted) - $100 obo 2. Black Chrome Rear Garnish (New) - $75 obo note: on the last pic... it's the garnish on top (near the glass) actual pic.. 3. Generic/Unbranded All LED tail lights (used) $100 obo - S O L D! - the lights works without any problems... the issue I had with this lights are with the housing... the seal of the lens from the housing was not tight... I had to re-seal it on some areas..... buyer should see/check put the lights first so that I could explain what the issue is...... 4. Muteki Lug Nuts (new) - S O L D! thanks for looking......
I would be interested in the tail lights. Do they all work and it's just a sealing problem? Are they smoked or clear. Hard to see from the angle iPhone ?
The second pic of the rt tail light looks like vinyl film is lifting from the area over the reverse light? Doesn't look like the lens is cracked. SCH-I535
yes it's just a sealing problem... all lights are working.... no cracked lens..... it's clear lens w/ black housing
no vinyl or crack on the lights.... it's just a reflection or something on the angle on how the pic was taken.....
I'd be interseted it in, but you'll have to ship it. First in line for shipping i guess if you can't find a local buyer
I'll keep you in mind.... only reason I want local because I want the buyer to personally check the item before purchase.......