I have a 13. I can not set the gas price. I can adjust the price up but can not adjust down. So I kept pushing the up button thinking when it would click over to all zeros after a certain dollar amount. WRONG!!! I am stuck on 99.99 Is there a way to clear this out? HELP!!!!
And some people think they are funny when they really aren't. Are you trying to do this change right after filling the tank.......or from the menu item that lets you set the price ? I thought that when the menu item came up, it also showed which button to use for + (up) and for - (down). Do you have an owner's manual ?? But that is on my C; might work differently on yours. P.S. You might want to update your profile to show the car that you actually have now.
I am trying to set from the menu. It shows which button for down, but it is not going down. All the other buttons work on the steering wheel, except that one. Is there a way to check for faulty switch?