I might finally go for it this time....offered a new 2013 Prius Four for $24,123. Sticker price is $29,533. And a decent amount on my trade - just what KBB says it should be. What do you all think?
Hmm, I do not know. It's good yes in that you're paying the price of a Prius Two for a Prius Four but it is technically, in terms of model year, one and a half years old already and that would affect resale value if you were considering not keeping it for the long haul once the Gen 4 is released. Looks like they went about $2500 below what people are paying for a 2014 Prius Four in your area. If they'd come down a little more, for me, that'd make up for buying a 2013 at this point. That's just me though, I never liked considering buying leftovers because I do trade often.
It's amazing they're offering you a decent trade-in price! That's a good thing! They must really want this old 'new' Prius off the lot. "Mama says, You better shop around" For $23,600 I picked up a '13 Volt with 2400 'demo miles' on it. (That price is after the Eagle dumps, soon!!!) Have you taken a Volt out for a test drive and run the numbers on your fuel savings? I can go months without visiting a gas station. I can preheat/cool the car from an app. I can floor it when it's cold and use all 150HP and not abuse anything... The Prius is a 15 year old design. The Volt is a "Leap in Technology". Lutz wanted something better than a Prius.
Are you saying the $24,123 is good? I guess I can try to get them to drop the document fee which is in addition to tags and tax. OTD with tax is $26,146
The Volt is smaller than the Prius and I hate to have to say it but it is a Chevy. I haven't owned one for quite some time but past experiences haven't been that great.
Yeah, I wouldn't pay the price they offered up easily even with a good trade considering its one and a half years old already (that's big to consider even though it's new) and people in (I chose this for my research) lancaster, pa are paying just $2500 more for a 2014 Prius Four. A one and a half year old model depreciates more then $2500. For their price you'd be better getting a 2014 IMO. Now if they came down another $1500 give or take, I may bite. I used to feel like that about chevy, my 01' SS was built cheap and rattled to no end. The Volt is a different story with unless I got lucky no problems and no rattles. I do agree though, it's small mainly for me the back seat, too small...
Yeah, if you haul 5 adults all the time a Volt is off the list. If not, "you better shop around". At least go test drive one. "Put the spurs to it, Chuck !!!" But only if you like a sporty car ! Limit yourself to 1/2 hour. Do not sit down with those guys. What do you have to lose? 1/2 hour? You do know how to tell if a car salesman is lying, correct? Their lips are moving.....
Actually I really hate the whole shady car buying process. But I guess it will always be this way. Remember Saturn had a no haggle policy on all their vehicles? Look what happened to them....
I think it depends on how much you drive each year. I like buying later in the model year so when/if I do sell/trade, my mileage will be more in line or slight higher than average for that model year. There's not much if any difference between 2013 and 2014, and while the 2013 has suffered some depreciation, it's still new. $2500 difference buys a lot of gas.
Although it's technically a 1-1/2 year old car, it appears that dealers near me are generally asking only $1000-1500 less than a 2014. I don't know what options your price includes, but it appears that's a good price for a new 2013. I had an opportunity to buy either a 2013 or 2014 of two identical Prius, and decided to go with the 2014. The $1500 difference wasn't enough for me to buy the 2013. I wanted the newer model. Good luck!
I paid roughly $22,500 for my 2013 Prius Two. Of course this was in 2013, at the time it was the "newest" model year available. But I think $24,123 is a good price for a Prius 4. There is virtually no difference between a 2013 Prius and a 2014 Prius except for being able to say one is a 2013, the other a 2014. So a lot would depend to me on what your long term plans are. If you typically keep your vehicles for a long, long time? Then go for it. In 6 years +, the fact that it is a 2013 that you bought late, won't matter. If you only keep vehicles for 4 years or less? Then losing a "model year" right out of the gate might matter in terms of value in 3-4 years. But that's how I would look at it. If this is a "long term" purchase, then I think that is a good price.
Totally agree, I almost always buy a left over. If you drive a lot, the year that it was not driven gives you an advantage at the time or selling or trading in.