If the Commissioner's Office of MLB can verify any of the new book's allegations, it should immediately declare that any further home runs "records" Bonds sets will not be officially counted. That's really all they need to say. Nothing about McGuire, Palmiero or other suspects. Too many non-provable things. But when you think of all the hype baseball fans in general and SF Giant fans in particular are going to be subjected to this year, all talk about Bonds and home run records should be derailed while there's still time before the season starts. Otherwise, we're in for an even worse media circus that will overshadow a lot of the fun of the beginning of the season. Bonds would probably immediately retire if Selig acted quickly to preserve the integrity of Ruth's and Aaron's marks. That's not a bad idea, either.
I'm a fair guy (at least, I like to think so!)...And I'm willing to give Mr. Bonds his day in court...but, I agree, Mr. Selig MUST have these accusations investigated. They're too detailed, too accurate-looking and too dangerous to the game to be left unchecked. Innocent until proven guilty, sure. Gotta be an investigation though. I'm a big baseball fan, but it looks like the dark days of the mid 90s are upon us...
MLB can not suddenly respond to Barry Bonds now after turning thier backs on steroids for so many years. Likely scenario, Bonds passes Ruth and does not pass Hank, retires at end of season or sooner. This is the last year of his contract and no one will give him another contract, also his kness will tell him to quit. Just hope that he does not get into the Hall of Fame. Bonds has criminal immunity for everything except perjury and MLB will not do an investigation and which would only prolong bad publicity. There is no new information in the book it is just a nice summary.
I disagree, and I think great pressure will be generated on Selig's office. Even if it seems hypocritical to some, shooting down Bonds NOW will at least protect Ruth and Aaron, and is better than nothing. If they nail Bonds AFTER he passes Ruth, he'll scream racism until he dies. Even if the book's only a summary, these guys have tracked down sources previously unnamed. It IS a book, and it's by people with no apparent ax to grind. Sports radio will be ablaze with talk about this at LEAST until the season starts. The hype will get to Bonds quickly, as it always does. He'll cut off the media and rely solely on his website so he can control what is said, at least by him. It could get pretty nasty, with lots of good people caught in the middle (including the Giants organization and BB's teammates). I say short-circuit all this as much as possible and get it over with.
Don't forget Bonds is part of a very strong Players Union. Bonds has not failed a drug test and MLB would have a very difficult task actually doing anything and whatever they would be able to do would take longer than the season anyway. Don't forget that there are laws and a legal system that take longer than the baseball season. Also it is not a surprise that this book came out, MLB decided what to do about this already and you see the result.
No law or union can prevent Selig's office from verifying a few crucial facts (if they can, and we KNOW they can!) and making the announcement I'm proposing. Bonds will have been unmasked as a chronic liar, which is all that's needed. As it is, he'll need asterisks beside certain of his own stats (73 HR, slugging and OBP numbers, etc.) The union could quibble over THAT, if it wanted and when the time came---and who would bet they'd even do that? I doubt any court would even be interested in ruling on the statistics MLB keeps. I look at this as a fan. If Bonds is shown guilty during his most productive years, it'll help Mac. If Mac can be shown guilty, it'll help Sosa. If Sosa, too, can be shown guilty---asterisks all---we're back to 1996, and I'll be happy with that.
Well ghostofjk you have moved from your original position of just calling out Bonds to setting the record book back to 1996. Which is fine with me. I don't expect it to happen. I would prefer that those three are simply are not in the Hall of Fame. Even though baseball is a statistic sport human judgement on considering factors through the different eras is more important, baseball historians don't need an asterisk to help them. Besides it could hurt my personnal intrest in a project in my basement. I dug up Hack Wilson's grave, mixed a bone with some stem cells I found and so far I've got a real nice forearm growing; all the records are going down in about seven years I figure.
I disagree - I would void ALL his records. By admitting any of them to any record book you are condoning his past behavior and rewarding him for such. I would void any athletes records who has admitted to and been "convicted" of using "drugs" than enhance ones performance - NO EXCEPTIONS.
Well Pete Rose was not in the players union, so he was free game. I don't know what is worse. Fixing a few games, or fixing the record book.
Barry Bonds: 'I Won't Retire Until I've Tarnished Every Record In The Book' www.theonion.com/content/node/45990]Read More[/url]