Yesterday, about a half gallon of water spilled on the passenger floorboard. I removed the mat and left it outdoors (out of the sun) for about 4 hours. I soaked up the water that was on the carpeted area over the floor-board. It's been almost 24 hours and my car is parked in my garage. Do I need to do anything else? Could this cause me problems in the future?
no biggie, but i would make sure it drys out properly so you don't get any mold or bad smell. would a wet vac soak up any more? maybe open the door facing the sun or put some dehumidifying packs in. all the best!
what were you thinking? the floor would rust through and your foot will fall through it? the water will dry up and that's all, nothing more. if you would have said, 1/2 gallon of milk, then you would have some stinky problems to worry about.
I thought about a wet vac, but don't have one. The weather is nice so I'm going to put the car outside so it dries thoroughly. I wouldn't even know where to buy dehumidifying packs. Any ideas?
lowe's, home depot, amazon, etc. they have the kind you dry out in a microwave and re use. baking soda if any smell develops.
people in snowy areas go through this all the time, when they tread snow into the car, it melts and get in the floor. It'll dry up and the process repeats, no harm no foul.