What Political party do you stand for and why? Other stands for no affiliation or none of these you explain "easy".
In N.Y. I'm a registered member of the Liberal Party, in CA an even more "radical" party. So the poll will reflect only "general preferences on a national level", not smaller parties that function at the level of one or more states. If this poll had an option saying "none of these; please post if a member of another party on a statewide level", I could vote.
I'm registered as 'No affiliation'... I do not know, just seems right to vote for the man/woman instead of being tied to a political party... I research the pros and cons of each candidate, their previous votes, etc (if they're incumbants or previous office holders). I also tend to write the candidates and ask how they feel on certain issues.
I am registered republican for the primaries but I consider myself a Libertarian. Independant isn't a party, it is a "no decision".
I am registered as belonging to a party only because Pennsylvania is a Closed Primary state (only party members may nominate candidates for the General Election. Those who choose no affiliation or belong to a "third" party can vote on all ballot questions, such as amendments to the state constitution, bond issues, and special elections). I originally registered as a Republican when I was 18. Kept it that way for many year. With age came wisdom and I changed my affiliation to Democrat. If Pennsylvania wasn't a Closed Primary state, I would have no affiliation.
If the democrats would shed their barbaric stance on abortion, I would vote for whichever party had the clearest articulation of vision. But until then, it's a no-brainer for us, at least at the federal level.
I am registered as a Democrat. I would prefer no affiliation but New Mexico has closed primaries and I would not be able to vote in these primaries. Most of my views run along the Democrat party lines but I do research each candidate and make a case by case decision. In fact I am going to help out a friend of mine in his upcoming election and he is a Republican.
I'm registered as a Democrat, mostly because of how I feel about social and especially environmental issues. And, these days, we're the more fiscally responsible party. :lol:
When I still lived in the U.S. I considered myself Libertarian. That is the closest fit. From what I can tell, the DNC is made up of confused ineffectual nothings, that always appear to loudly complain after the fact they got tricked or screwed. Just like Jack Layton of the NDP here in Canada "Duh Paul Martin lied to me! I never saw that one coming!" The GOP now appears to be made up of scary bible thumping NeoCon fascists that have embraced a path our grandparents went to war to prevent from spreading across the globe. Oh well, so much for *their* sacrifice! When I moved to Canada I had official membership in the Reform Party, later the Canadian Alliance. It was a dark day when the PC's under Mumbly Joe merged with the Alliance. I only voted PC this time because Harper is a former Reform/Alliance member. Perhaps you should ask what we expect of a political party. Here is what I expect, and I don't think they are mutually exclusive either: 1. Stay out of the lives of the average citizen. No illegal wiretaps, none of that George Orwell "1984" bulls***. A government that fears their own people no longer deserves to be in power. 2. Get rid of the huge fraud and lie known as The War On Drugs. The CIA/DEA have sold narcotics for years to fund things Congress would never approve. It's a scam, and we're paying for it with gang turf wars, hopelessly addicted kids, and tens of billions spent for nothing. So many lives ruined. The gov still allows cigs and booze to be sold - at good tariffs too - why not legalize more. 3. Take care of the environment. We only have one of them. 4. Treat other races/ethnicities/religions with respect. Generally, if you're nice to people, they're nice to you. If you start on a "holier than thou our way or the highway" rant, expect reciprical action. 5. Mandatory universal health care coverage for things like childhood immunization. Scary and shocking how many kids in the U.S. have no protection against comon illnesses. 6. Get rid of massive public debt boondoogles funded primarily by the generosity of Chinese investment. Folks are whining about "outsourcing" look into the real reason. 7. Live within your means ... I guess that's covered under #6. See? Those are *not* mutually exclusive.
Yeah, isn't *that* something. All those "real" Republicans must be turning in their grave. I never would have believed it as a kid, and my Dad at 86 STILL is shocked by it.
Green Party. What defines Democratic and Republican are now completely ambiguous. There may be slight differences, but political expediency is the rule of the day.
The only party that appeals to me is: THE GREEN PARTY http://www.gp.org/ My votes went for: 1996 for Nader 2000 for Nader 2004 for Cobb My salutation goes to skurse and daniel and all others that have faith in Green Party.
I wouldn't be afraid of them either. I sure don't see how they could f*** it up any worse than the NeoCon fascists we now have in charge.
'Scuse me if you've mentioned this on another thread: are you a "legalize marijuana" libertarian, as is Bill Buckley?
I can't speak for Karl, but I know that I am. As I've stated repeatedly, the War On Drugs is a sham and a fraud of the worst kind.
Of course the war on drugs is a waste of $$$ and time. The US should legalize weed & hash. At least all the hippies will stay home and relax. Plus, the US could take in lots of new taxes. Double benefit- No wasted $$ and resources chasing weed users, and make more $$ taxing weed. Oh, and many less people in lockup for liking weed & hash.