So I just noticed that my C has a huge crack starting from the bottom of the windshield 9inches or so up... There's no sign of a rock chip, and it seems to have cracked from the very bottom/edge of the windshield up. It just suddenly appeared...any idea??? on if it's just randomly cracking or whatever? and if I can get Toyota to fix it, if it's a defect?
If there's no sign of damage, you can try pleading your case to Toyota that the windshield was either defective or it was installed improperly, causing stress on the windshield. Worse case, they deny it and you either pay out of pocket, or claim it on your auto comprehensive policy. SCH-I535
It's ca, so no extreme weather changes as of late, other than a little rain this past week...temp's been not too cold or warm. The car is hitting it's 6month mark and when I take it to the 6month check up next weekend, I'll ask them about it, since like I said, there's no visible "got hit by a rock chip" damage and the temperature hasn't been crazy (ca beach weather of low 50s - 90s tops year long). I'm just sort of pissed at how it suddenly just cracks without any damage of what may've started the crack.
I've heard of an improperly installed windshield or the trim/moulding surrounding the windshield can cause stress on the edge of the windshield and lead to cracks like what you are seeing.
thank you...yeah I've been googling a bit, and it seems some people with similarly cracked windshields were able to get toyota to fix it free of charge for them due to's only 6months old, I'm take it to them and see what they say the crack definitely started from the edge as in the picture and goes up
You have nothing to lose by asking. If Toyota denies it? You'd be hard pressed to prove it wasn't just an act of god or nature. I'd at least ask to have it covered under warranty. Worst they can say is No.
Have you had cold weather lately? Poured hot water over your windscreen to clear the ice? If Toyota refuse, can't you just get your insurance company to pay? Here if your windscreen is damaged your insurers will repair it for free and if it is damaged beyond repair (like yours appears to be), they're replace it with a small deductible and not affect your claim history. The reason is that it's a safety issue. Nicer to have their policy holder driving a car with a clear view, than run someone over because there was a big crack in their line of sight.
Talked with a toyota dealer...the service rep, said that if the service manager checks it out and it wasn't caused by a outside source, then they'll replace it under warranty; HOWEVER, the service manager won't be in until coming Thursday, how convinient.
Actually, it could be a manufacturing defect. Though rock chips are far and away the majority of cracks in windshields it has happened that a support for the windshield concentrated pressure on the glass at apoint and because glass isn't very prone to bending the windshield cracks under varying temperatures, bumps, etc. Take it to an independent body shop with experience repairing toyota windshields and see if the crack iniated at a sress point. Or a WSWreplacement shop who can remove the WSW and see if the crack becan at a specific support point. Nots not unbelieveable that the metal frame just happened to not quite line up smoothly with the WSW. Who knows maybe the WSW usn't that smoth either, or a bit of trash got inbetween the WSW and frame.
Same thing happened to mine after about three months of ownership. I took it in hoping it would be covered by warranty - my dealership said the same thing yours did, but all the guy had to do was take a ball-point pen and run it along the crack. It caught on one spot (even thought nothing was visible), which meant it was caused by an outside source. No new windsheild for me
well, I tried...after going over the crack back and forth, the service manager found a super tiny chip along the crack right behind the wiper (they said only way it would've hit was during the rain when wiper was being used), so I guess no warranty; they did also say that if I wanted I could have them disassemble the plastic/molding and check if crack is stemming from a installation point or whatever (but I guess that would cost some money for them to tell me again no warranty). I was looking at it and wondering if anyone got the instructions to take apart the windshield bottom molding/plaster covers. Thank you Guess if all else fails, I'll just replace it, since I set my deductible higher than it is to replace it out of pocket.
You want to be careful about using your insurance company for glass claims, since unlike the UK some of the automotive underwriters here in the US most certainly DO pay attention to ALL claims. The last time I replaced my windshield the price varied wildly - so shop around. Take a deep breath now, because they don't sell as many Priussys as they do F-150s. Even though the glass is much smaller it might be a little bit harder to find, and a lot more expensive. SHOP AROUND! Good Luck!
Since I have a hybrid. I am lucky to be living in CA, the land of Toyota Priuses...however it seems Prius C windshields could be a little rarer than normal Prius's...and I got a quick quote from safelite for $360 or so (in the past I've used safelite for a CR-V for around $220 or so, so it could just be the prius c is a little new'er and rarer)...but since I'm in a area where a lot of hybrids are in, hopefully I can get a better price from a local shop. After some more hunting around, I was able to find a shop that will replace it for $250.
My windshield has taking a beating around here , only a few small chips, knock on wood..... over $500 for replacement
So even after doing quotes on safelite and calling around...the logic on the cost of the windshield replacement is the other way around. Safelite is quoting me a higher rate here in monterey, then if I were to do it in central valley area, and also calling local shops, same story, central valley shops are quoting me $200-300 range, while monterey local shops are quoting $300-500. Who would've thought that a place where more prius's exists and hopefully meaning more parts, would be higher than a place where prius's are rarer.