Bought a drop filter, noticed a slight improvement mpg compared to stock and smooth acceleration and throttle response. Replaced the cabin filter, it's cheap and easy to do. Ordered the eBay special. G7 plate, not yet installed Will update once this is done. Also getting some 5k D4R replacement bulbs from and matching 9006 5K fogs ordered from Jason Home - Lone-Star Automotive Lighting great customer service and quick shipping. iPhone ?
Keep an eye on the cleanliness of your engine oil with the K&N. I used one on the truck for a while but it sure seemed like the engine oil was getting dirty faster. I've also heard of the oil in the K&N getting onto the MAF sensor and causing problems. Nothing but OEM-style air filters for me now.
"I've also heard of the oil in the K&N getting onto the MAF sensor and causing problems." This is more of an issue with Classic, since with that car the engine air filter sits directly on top of the throttle body, making it is easy for excess filter oil to drip down onto the MAF sensor. With the 2G air filter housing, the air filter is shifted to the side.
I got it from amazon. Btw, I've used k&n products before and I've talked to their reps about their oil. The only car that they've known to have problems with is bmw's. Their filter oil is safe for all sensors. The oil is designed to trap dirt. The dirtier the filter is the better it works. The fact that if I ever have a problem k&n will refund your money whether you bought it from them Or not. I like the throttle response from this k&n and the smooth transistion from EV to motor and like the fact that I don't ever have to change it out works for me. iPhone ?
The stock one is flimsy and thin. The G7 was made nicely and stiff. I can notice a BIG difference on tight turns and on the freeway where the tires want to track the road with the STOCK brace the back end feels weird. With the G7 i can def. notice a stiffer feel. At $59 bucks this is a DEAL and would recommend this to ANYONE! Installation was easy. I lifted one side of the car and put a jack stand, Removed the stock 4 12mm bolts and re-installed the new brace and bolts with a allen hex socket and torqued to 34ftlbs. It took me longer to find the bolts and jack it up. This is something you can do with NORMAL hand tools. BTW, the Ebay seller has a 10% discount
15mm/20mm spacers along with B&G springs Decided to de-badge, floss and rubbing of the adhesive, cleaner and wax to come out looking great iPhone ?
Did you know "our automotive OE (original equipment) replacement air filters generally add 1-4 horsepower?" LINK Did your "improvement" in MPG occur under the same driving conditions, as performed with the previous filter? Traffic conditions. Road conditions (smooth, rough, dirt, gravel). Ambient air temperature. Tire pressure. Tire condition (tread). Alignment. Vehicle load (passengers and junk in the trunk). Over how many tanks of gas was this increase observed? Unless your using a dyno and performing a controlled test, like the EPA, too much subjectivity. Look at the controlled testing and objective findings, for 9 air filters posted on a Nissan/Infinity forum. LINK "However, if a filter is using “better airflow” as their marketing tool, remember this….Does it flow better? At very high airflow volumes, probably. BUT, our engines CAN’T flow that much air unless super-modified, so what is the point? The stock filter will flow MORE THAN ENOUGH AIR to give you ALL THE HORSEPOWER the engine has to give. And this remains true until the filter is dirty enough to be recognizeable. At that point performance will decline somewhat. Replace the filter and get on with it." The factory engine is a balanced system (a compromise of performance, reliability, and efficiency). Air filter all the way to the exhaust, don't forget the ECU programming. Add a K&N filter, the system is unbalanced. To maximize the potential, additional air flow increase K&N can offer, one would have to change out many other parts; exhaust system for sure, as the stock exhaust is very restrictive compared to a "performance/racing" exhaust systems. We are driving a Prius. Not a sexy car, nor a fast car, but sexy MPG. If you did not read the nicoclub link above, here's a graphic teaser: Filter Efficiency (How well does the filter captures debris.) Accumulative Gain (Total amount of dirt that passed through the filter.) So much for the oil theory. These two graphs speak volumes. If you logically think about K&N's premise: increase Horse Power by increasing air flow. The less restrictive the air filter, the greater the air flow. Unfortunately, more debris will be passing through the air filter (as shown above), into the intake manifold, then into the cylinders. Even if no cars are ever damaged running K&N air filters, is the cost of the filter, filter oil, filter cleaner, and required maintenance of these filters require, worth K&N's claim of 1-4 Horse Power increase? Most of us are probably changing the air filter prematurely. An interesting report by the EPA on clogged air filters and the impact on MPG, concluded "Closed-loop control in modern fuel injected vehicle applications is sophisticated enough to keep a clogged air filter from affecting the vehicle fuel economy."LINK to the EPA study (2-2009). The next time you see the K&N reps, show them Arlen Spicer's study and the results that were posted on the Nissan Infinity user group. Would love to hear what they have to say. Your car, your money. Knowledge is power, and these are some hard facts K&N would need to refute.
That's a lot of knowledge. I'm going on a trip this weekend maybe I'll throw the stock filter back in to see. iPhone ?
That would be a good test to perform. Consider starting the trip w/ full tank of gas, check tire pressure, cleaning throttle and MAF sensor, and use K&N on the "to" leg. Prior to returning, another full tank of gas, check tire pressure, clean throttle and MAF sensor, and use Stock filter on this"return" leg. Assuming same roads/freeways will be taken to and from, with same passengers and luggage. Hopefully driving can be done at same time of day for each leg. Full tank of gas each way to minimize starting weight differences. Note mpg upon arrival at destination (ie lodging). Moleage would need to be the same for each leg. Don't include in town destination driving for this MPG determination. You'll have to note if traffic was more or less the same for each leg. This will be as "controlled," as can be, w/o access to expensive equipment. Do report your findings. Good luck and drive safely.
Driving from San Diego to Las Vegas so it's up hill from here and there's a lot of traffic so don't know what it would be like. I'll pick up a stock filter in the morning. What I noticed with the K&N is better throttle response compared to the stock. I Just got new tires and using 42/40 on 195/55-16. iPhone ?
Too bad it isnt flat both ways. You'll see that same big hill going to Vegas. "To" leg will be short climb up then long descent. Return will be reversed. Not ideal, but the best you can do, unless you know you will be going to LV, again and soon. You could also try using K&N for one or two months at home, then switch to stock filter for same duration. Hopefully overall mileage used w/ each filter will be as close as possible. Cleaning throttle body and MAF, before beginning test w/ each filter. Also, check air pressure and oil level, regularly, while this test is performed. Not discounting your feelings of throttle response, but it's subjective, and might be the placebo effect. If two identical Prius (same color and brand new off the assembly line) were in front of you, and the only difference is the air filter (K&N vs OEM air filter), do you think you would be able to tell which Prius has the K&N? Btw, may you win big, if you gamble.