As a volunteer firefighter we generally respond to the scene or the station with our personal vehicles. Are any other prii drivers vollies? If so, what setup are you using for your lights. I was going to put a stealth kit into mine, behind the visors, but it looks like space is quite limited. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Not so much. I need highly visible, as well as front and rear lighting. My response area is mainly a heavily travelled highway and on some occasions my personal vehicle is used to respond iPhone ?
I'd imagine something like this would be ideal. Whelen LED Slim-Miser Dash Light SMLL | FREE Shipping Over $99! You could mount it up behind the rearview mirror. Something similar could be rigged to the small rear window below the spoiler.
I'm a vollie in NY and they allow us to have 1 forward facing blue light. I have a Whelen Dual Avenger mounted in the front windshield as you see; it's perfect behind the rearview mirror so it doesn't interfere with visibility whatsoever. I ran the chord underneath the lip on the edge of the A-pillar right down to the outlet, so it's a clean, simple setup that I'm pretty content with. I also have a less expensive lightbar that I mounted in the lower rear window that I don't use all that often.
Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I have the exact same question. What did you end up using for emergency response lights? I’m considering a stick in the rear window and a dash/windshield mount in the front. It would be nice if I could wire the LED DRLs to wigwag too for additional visibility. We also respond POV to incidents on state highways, so high visibility is necessary.
I'm going to re-resurrect this thread yet again, as I've been thinking about what to do (or what NOT to do) on my Prius...! What did you wind up doing with yours? So far, for my set-up I am either going all Amber, or with Amber/White combo. I am not volunteer FF, but I do private security and I also frequently (personally) drive across country (and there have been plenty of situations where a nice "notification" set up would have come in handy - had too many "close calls" over time)! So far I am of the mindset that I'll do a traffic advisor in the back, just not sure whether to mount high or low (in the tiny little vertical window)... So I was even thinking maybe I'd do TWO traffic advisors in the rear, one longer one shorter, one high one low... I do think most of my situations the rear is more important than the front... But for the front I was thinking some "cheapy" visor clip/mount ones (like these STINGER TIR LED Visor Light | Extreme Tactical Dynamics) and maybe one dash mount (like this Ranger Dual TIR LED Dash Light | Extreme Tactical Dynamics). I cannot say I am concerned with/about side or 360° coverage... Just primarily front and rear...