CNN made a change. When I first saw it the article began with a picture and a caption that it shows a Prius Li-Ion battery. (This of course shows what they don't know, only the Plugin Prius has Li-Ion). It is now a video without a caption, but the picture is in the video.
i was just watching cnn, all they talk about is how much we don't know. but they just keep going on and on...
Even MSNBC, with probably the most sane coverage, still spends an hour on virtually nothing. You have to change the channel on stuff like this.
Once upon a time, there were some really good, air search aircraft: Or even: Use satellites to identify non-cloud covered areas and launch a recon aircraft to take the photos. Then there are the other alternatives: And: There may be others, Bob Wilson ps. Just wanted an opportunity to post some cool airplane photos.
How about the North American XB-70 Valkyrie? North American XB-70 Valkyrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I was astonished to find this futuristic Mach 3+ aircraft was designed in the 1950's!
The B52 is also from the 1950's (all of its original electronics were vacuum tube), but it's STILL flying TODAY.
Flying mach 2-3 was easy in 50's due to oil prices. We didn't have to drive hybrids back then either. Coming back to the original topic: how many believe the mystery will never be solved?
There has never been a cooler-looking plane than the Blackbird. I'd never seen this picture of it before, though - thank you! I think national secrecy has played a big part in slowing down the search. I'm sure drones could be doing a great job, but they've chosen not to use them, presumably for security reasons.
I don't know but this article says there's over 80 aircraft that have vanished since 1948 and nothing from any of them has ever been found: ASN News » ASN records over 80 aircraft missing since 1948
...Re: MH370, it now seems to me whoever did it (I am thinking the pilot) did a soft landing to eliminate debris. Seems like further analysis of the satellite data eventually suggests a fairly tight end location. Coundn't they send another plane to map out where the pings must have come from?
Why send an AIRPLANE when a SUBMARINE could do a much better & longer-duration search listening for that "ping"...remember, subs have LOTs of "listening" devices with which to track, monitor and locate OTHER submarines with.
They started this yesterday, but really it should have happened sooner. Malaysia Airlines MH370: Submarine joins search as Malaysian PM Najib Razak arrives in Perth - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)