A few months ago my TPMS light on my 2012 C2 came on. I adjusted tire pressures and it soon went off again. A week ago it came back on. Again I adjusted pressures, but this time the light is staying on. I rechecked the pressures and all looks good. I tried the reset procedure in the manual to no avail. So what now? Just live with the light being on all the time?
Probably doesn't apply to your case, but, the non OEM TPMS on my snow tire rims constantly gave false reading ( 8 or 9 times the warning light came on)this winter. I check tire pressures weekly so I just ignored the darn light. In every case the sensor light eventually shut itself off, sometimes after being on for a week. I hate TPMS, but, that was discussed on another thread. I haven't had any trouble with the TPMS that were put on when my C was brought to life. What a great little car the C is.
You may have a TPMS sensor that is not reporting pressure correctly. Most tire stores can monitor the sensors for you and let you know which one is not correct. Of course the dealership can do this but the tire store will be less.
I'd forgotten about this thread and my comment above about the non OEM TPM sensors. My tire guy at Discount Tire finally found out why the sensors they installed on my snow rims were giving trouble. They finally fixed the problem and explained that the C's TPM's had to be set in the same manner as Lexus TPM's. Apparently extra steps were involved. Not sure if they were pulling wool over my eyes, but, at least I don't have any problems with my TPM's.
Since we are talking about the Prius C TPM system, I don't understand why Toyota didn't give us the ability to display the tire pressure with it. Most other cars will let you do this.