Ive been bugging the BF to get a jet boat, as we have a 27' Four Winns Vista that we overnight on every weekend. BUT the problem is, we cant go out until late Saturday because he works Saturday until 5pm. I want to go out on Friday night-Sunday, but we cant because of that. I know, some real first world problems.. lol So... the bf kinda surprised me a few weeks ago by telling me he was ready financially to spend about $10k on a jet boat. Im the mover and shaker of the relationship, so off I went to wheel and deal I found a 2004 Sugar Sand 1800 Fun & Fish with the largest engine they offered - the 240hp Merc, for $10k. It has 44 hours and is ridiculously clean. The last owner brought it in every year for maintenance, and gave me all the service receipts to prove it. I was able to get the sellers down to $8k Some say I possess the power of persuasion.... Anyways, we brought it home today, here it is! Bringing it home: In our driveway: Back view: Our Black Lab LOVES boating:
That's a great deal on a virtually new boat. And your dog clearly approves, showing that he's ready to go. My one question is where you're going to sleep.
Haha!! The jet boat is for the BF to get to ME on the big boat. I will be going out Friday night to anchor somewhere. He will drive the jet boat out to me Saturday afternoon. Oh, and we will be doing lots of trips during the weekdays too (Much more economical to take the jet boat vs. the big boat). This is where Ill be sleeping
Looks like fun. Every weekend on the water? Your time management skills are impressive. Who cuts the grass, and when?
Congrats PG- looks very clean/unused. Trailered boats with unpainted bottoms are the best. Your next toy should be Jetski's! Yes- you dog would love that too, mine (a CockaPoo) loves the boat and Jetski.... Looks like the dog's already claimed his seat... we call that the "titanic position"... think of kate Winslet in the movie.