See the attached picture. Forgot to mention this was on the front page of the Mercury News today.
Wow. All I can say is wow. While I have my own set of issues with HOV access for hybrids... I have to wonder what the point of this article really is. Have we really come to the point where hybrids and SUV will have to duke it out bare-fisted on the side of the road to see who's right? Interesting included image. Guy in the Prius is of course, a scrawny, glasses-wearing nerd (like all of us). And the SUV driver (with hot blond riding shot-gun) is a typical lumberjack-sized guy.
I would have to agree with a cpl of points made by the article.. Its a real pain when your doing 70 and happen upon another driver doing 50 and there are 3 lanes of travel the signs say slower traffic keep right.. I wish they would make it a state law that slower traffic would stay in the far right lane on hwy's with 3 or more lanes.. I think this would curb some road rage incidents... On my trip to texas I did notice they had semi lanes this was nice blow on by doing 75 :lol: ..
Being more concerned about mileage than the flow of traffic is not safe driving. It's as bad as cell phone users, the chick putting on her makeup, eating, or any other distraction. I let a Prius go in front of me at an entrance to a two lane freeway type road I was on with a speed limit of 35. He entered at 30 and would not speed up, with cars flying by doing 45 to 50. He would not budge and kept the right hand lane backed up. I flashed my lights, etc. Suv drivers have no monopoly on being assholes.
I knew this was coming. There was a thread here titled Hybrid-Envy-in-the-HOV-Lanes. Point of the article -- That is a really good question. I think Roadshow wants a hybrid. I also think this a a piece of trash gonzo journalism where he had an idea and put in some quotes to make an article. Disgraceful. The picture -- Yeah, guess what all of the voters will remember when extending the HOV lane usage comes up again -- that awful picture. This picture is a big set back for hybrids.
When I get my stickers, I'm turning my MFD off whenever using the HOV lane. Too distracting at high speeds.
I would accept that law as long as they also enforce the tailgating laws and finally decide what posted "speed limit" means. Also, since we're making suggestions, I suggest that instead of mandating cars to be more fuel efficient that we just mandate an MFD be installed next to spedometers. People might not pay attention to the speed that they are driving, but they might pay attention to the rate of which they throw their money away via gas. I suspect that suv driving might let up on the gas if they see that they actually have control of how fast they are burning their money.
when in heavy traffic, mileage be damned i'll be keeping up with the pack. for the sake of good driving, safety, and not making hybrids look like the slow and incapable vehicles most people here imagine they are.
I've often NOT driven in the HOV lane, even though I can, because I prefer the more relaxed, gas saving pace of the other lanes. But what irks me are the huge Winnebagos, filled with family, that drive 55 in the carpool lane. I've been stuck behind these many times. Erg. The carpool lane can be a blessing or a terrible trap, depending on when you use it.
So, did you vote for or against the HOV lane exemption? :huh: The law was put in place by the California State Legislature, and signed into law by the Governator, not by a voter proposition. I highly doubt that cartoon will sway any of their votes.
Maybe they can use pictures of Priuses backed up behind other much more common slow drivers in the HOV lanes.
I think it comes down to jealousy, and the old, "Don't point out my flaws because it makes me uncomfortable" defensiveness. Quite immature, actually. Interestingly, driving like an donkey does not equal optimum forward progress, that is, shortest trip. Good lane selection, careful driving, etc can all improve your odds of arriving early. Speed is only one factor. If it gets you to the traffic jam sooner, it doesn't help you. Nate
ditto. I see ppl fly by me only to catch up with them later. Heck, once I caught up with a black Civic that passed > 100kms ago on the same highway. He (she?) was at the roadside... ticketed for speeding...