I can't stand it. The space-age squeal of the VPNS sounds like metal rubbing metal without oil. Itz got to go. I read here that itz behind the driver's headlight but I don't see the white connector anywhere obvious. Please help. Mahalo (ps it is a 2014 c level 1)
Don't know about the 2014, but here's a discussion with pictures on how to unplug the VPNS. ( 1st page) Vehicle Proximity Notification System (VPNS) | PriusChat
I am with you in that I can't stand it as well. The speaker on driver's side in the very front. if you look behind the light fixtures it should be there. I haven't unplug mine since I am loaning it but there is another post of someone showing how to disable it.
I'm convinced the Prius crowd is an auditorially sensitive bunch. The venom in which the VPNS is approached, along with the intrinsic hatred of the reverse beep. I seldom hear my own VPNS. About the only time I can occasionally hear it, is if I'm going through a drive through with my window rolled down. Otherwise? I know it's working but- I never hear it. But carry on...maybe my hearing is just getting bad?