Hi All, I was recently in a low speed (25mph) driver side collision. The body work got done but the car would not start (all kinds of warning lights) and now must be towed to a Toyota dealer to see if the computer can be reset easily. :blink: Has anyone gotton into an accident and had problems? How about long-term reliability. Sort of thinking of trading for 2006 but $ could be a problem. Thanks, Donna (Charlottesville, Va)
Goodness. Did the body shop know anything about the Prius? What shape are your two batteries in? There is a auto cut off in the system if you are hit hard enough. My guess it that a few minutes with the THHS and a good Prius Tech and you will be on the road. Make sure they transport it with a flat bed!
body shops tend to be clueless. DH gets prii in from body shops regularly, usually it's very minor and a quick fix. but he still comes home griping about the body shop :lol: good luck, hopefully they get it figured out quickly.
I just returned from the local Toyota dealer where a rather obnoxious woman in the service department informed me that it could take months to get the car back on the road. She said since the car was all computer I should not be surprised! The last car they had that had been in an accident took 5 months and an cost $10,000 to fix the computers. The car ran without any warning lights after the accident and the body shop assured me that they followed all procedures when disconnecting the battery. My insurance company initially gave me a discount because of the Prius safety features but what happens when they get wind of huge extra charges to reset the computers? Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't know if the dealership is blowing me off or if they really are having that much trouble with the Prius computer system. Thanks, Helogirl from Virginia
Check for damage to the wiring harness that runs through the rocker panel below the left-side doors. Something getting pinched/grounded in there could raise all kinds of hell, but is relatively easy to fix. . _H*
:wacko: "....a rather obnoxious woman in the service department informed me that it could take months to get the car back on the road." Sounds like you need to find another dealer, or at least report this to the Manager of the dealership and the Service Manager. This woman was obviously not knowledgable about the Prius, or the fact that all modern cars have multiple "computers" in their systems. She also lacked common courtesy expected of those who wish to sell you their services and merchandise. Do let un know when and how you get back "in business."
oh, bah. they just don't know what they're doing. would your insurance pay for a tow to another dealership? you need to find a place with a good diagnostic tech and a service writer who isn't an idiot. how far are you from durham nc, perchance?
Update: Went back to Toyota dealership this afternoon and found my vehicle not in a bay as earlier stated but out in the rain, bumper off. Went inside and spoke again to service dept woman who was again rude. Approx. 5 minutes later, the Service Dept manager called and assured me the auto was being brought in and would be worked on until fixed. I had called Toyota USA this morning and don't know if my two encounters at the very public service counter and/or some contact by Toyota USA suddenly brought some attention to my vehicle. I still have no idea how long fixing/resetting the computers will take. Yeeeha.....guess the "sqeeky wheel" has some credibility. helogirl from Va
Hi all, I just got the news that my auto is back at the bodyshop and ready to be picked up. This am I received a phone call from Toyota USA who had been in touch with my dealership. I have to say that if you are having problems with your dealership, call the 800 Toyota USA number. Yesterday my Prius was in their parking lot in the sleeting rain without a bumper and not working. Today it is supposedly fixed and back at the body shop. I look soooo forward to getting my car back!!!! Helogirl from Va