I picked up my Silver #7 yesterday - more on that tomorrow - but I am in LOVE again with driving I need help. Probably I am overlooking something simple and I could not find advice via the search function here. I can not for the life of me connect my treo 650 to the car. My salesman could not either. I have read here, if my memory serves me correctly, where it has been done. I need, if possible, instructions from beginning to end. And it is all true - everything everyone has said here - this car is AWESOME. Remember to keep it quiet guys, my baby is sleeping in the garage Thank you thank you to everyone for being so helpful. David
We have two Sprint Treo 650s and they work great with CarMyne. The Treo pairs using the same Prius menus as other cell phone. Originally there was a problem with having to make a call during the pairing operation to get it to work but that has been fixed by Palm updates. If you have updated your Treo or have a fairly new one, it should not be a problem. The following site has some detailed pairing instructions that might help but they are not specific to the Treo. John's Webpage There are also several old post about pairing a Treo so suggest you search for those if you continue to have problems...
If you have the Verizon Treo 650, it is a bit problematic to set up. But it will work. You have to go throught the regular process, enter the password, then place call. You will not get the signal strength on the upper right hand display of the screen, but that is no biggie. It is another great feature of this car, good luck!
Thank you for your response. If you could please explain to me what you refer to as "the regular process", that would probably break down the mental block I am currently suffering through which is preventing me from establishing any connection to my Prius from my 650. Thank You, David
Let's see if I can remember: On the Prius: In the phone menu, press the "add a phone" button. The screen will say it is searching and give a passcode of 1212 On the Treo: Bluetooth menu Press the"setup devices" button "Handsfree setup" button "next" button You will then be on the discovery results page After a few seconds it should list "Bluetooth" something as a device Select it and press "ok" It will then ask you to enter the passcode, enter it At this point you are done. Press cancel on the Prius. Place a call on the Treo and the car should pick up the call after a few seconds. Good luck!
No luck. I am missing anything. Used the instruction manual from the car and the treo. No connection - in fact it is the only thing that is not connecting with this car - I love it. David
Check your private message box. I sent you my email. Maybe we can both sit in our cars and figure this out.
I had a similar problem with my Verizon 650. I was totally frustrated with it UNTIL I learned I had to make a call from the phone to "activate the pairing." dbermanmd: NEXT question: once you get the car paired with the phone and have a connection established, have someone else call you. See if your car/phone drops the first call and takes the second. No warning. The first call is just gone. :blink: I have this problem. It might be a problem with bluetooth. Or it might be the car. Has anyone else had this problem?
This is the call waiting problem. If you dial *70 before making an important call you disable call waiting for that call and any incoming calls will go to voice mail. No good solution if the first call is an incoming call. Searching on call waiting will bring up several posts on the subject.
I hate to show my ignorance so all but... I tried calling after going through the setup procedure I cant make a call through it and the MFD lists my telephone as available... Where am I going wrong :blink: David
It worked I made a call after doing everything as instructed - and.... IT WORKED My daughter then happened to call and it picked her right up. No dropped calls at all. In fact she said that I sounded better using the Prius's microphone than I did using my phone Now I just have to figure how to get my address book and speed dial stuff to pair I do love these smilely faces And a big thank you to to my buddy who I spoke to tonight. THANKS David