Today my friend helped me replace the taillights on my Prius! I'm loving the look. Personally, I think it goes great with blue. I'm adding foglights tomorrow and eventually an HID kit. I'm also going to get my windows tinted. If you've tinted your windows can you post pictures of it or let me know how it is? I'm not sure how dark to go .. I don't want to go limo black but I don't want it to be so clear that it's pointless. I'm thinking the same shade as that little hatchback window but I don't know.
I have the same lights and I'm really disappointed with them. The passenger side brake LEDs started dimming and now they don't work at all.
Well, I've had these lights a week. They're great looking and my coworkers and friends stopped making fun of me for purchasing a Prius. In fact, one even let slip he wouldn't mind having one! I have an issue that popped up yesterday. My driver's side turn signal is blinking rapidly. All of the bulbs work and the connectors appear okay (accessing them using the panel in the cargo area, not by taking off the trim or anything). Is there a way to reset this or figure out what it could be? I understand WHY it would blink quickly but I believe this is in error as everything seems secure and everything is working properly.
It means the built-in resistor to prevent hyperflashing for that side is defective. Return it for a working unit.