Just don't get me wrong - I'm not going the speed limit to "enforce" anything or prove any points, and I don't consider it my job to do so. I'm doing the speed limit plus a little bit, and trying to obey the law and stay safe at the same time - for me AND my daughter. I just hate the people who are in so much of a hurry they put me in danger - like I said, I only use the lane when there's stopped traffic or I'm genuinely carpooling...
ok, so about the HOV CARPOOL lanes first and formoast, there arent enough of them imho, i meen past burling game on the 101, there are none up through sf, which to me is just absolutly nuts. secondly, I have noticed that around her in the bay area the carpool lanes only go about 55 in gridlock trafic, which is the only time i would use them any ways, and in that case i personaly dont give a rats nice person about tail gaters, i meen there still passin the trafic at a good clip, and if u drive a constant speed in all non hybrid cars you save more gass then the stop and start hence the HOV lane mentality, but as for speeding there is just no need, but i will if it is safe to do so move out of the drivers way who is tailgating me and then merge back into the HOV lane ASAP, but as of yet i havent had the chance to use the lane when its actualy the hov lane... but i am loving my prius such a great gas saver. Chris Woodside CA 2004 Silver Prius with a ipod hook up through the multy cd changer
What he said... Jim said it way more elequently than I did. I don't obey the law to prove a point. I've just noticed how crazy people are on the roads more now than I did before. It may be because I'm driving the Prius, or it may be my first kid is due any day now, and I'm already concerned for his safety. When I do get my HOV stickers, I plan to only be in the HOV lane if traffic is stopped. When I am in the lane, I plan to do somewhere between 65-70 or the flow of traffic whichever is slower. Scott
Dont have HOV lanes here in southern Ohio and dont ever plan to use them anywhere. I drive the speed limit nothing more and nothing less. I leave early enough to get to work on time every time even with traffic jams. If your behind me and dont like it safely pass me if there is a passing lane otherwise back off. I'm always cautious of drivers around me and try to be as safe as possible. I try to anticipate what others are doing but when you live near rednecks in their trucks its hard to tell what they are going to do. These are my observations. 60+% go 5-30 mph over the posted speed limit. 75% of the drivers around here dont use turn signals. I guess the forgot to fill up their turn signal fluid last oil change. 10% swerve in and out of traffic so fast and so hard you can almost see the car/truck/suv flip on to 2 wheels! 90+% tail gate and or stop 3 inches from my and other peoples bumpers when stopped at a light. Portsmouth is a small city. Guessing we have about 5 city cops to “patrol†southern Ohio. I might see ONE a year pull over someone. I see a few state troopers around the holidays and thats it. I'm surprised that I dont see very many accidents around here. On a side note our police force is corrupt. Not fully corrupt but just a little. Its been in the local paper a few times. Well thats my $0.02 and then some.
Scott, thanks for the compliment, and congrats too! If this is your first, have you gone to the Boot camp for new Dads yet? They have them at practically every hospital. It's funny, I was reluctant to go at first, but it was cool - try it out - you'll get brownie points from the wife, and get a head start into all the fun stuff (Diapers and such :blink: ). I went, and then brought my daughter back at 4 months to teach other dads. It was a blast..
Strange. Everyone thinks Prius drivers drive slowly to maximize mileage. I like go 80 and still get better milage than almost everyone else. Time is more valuable to me than saving 50 cents. The time I save in the HOV lanes on Long Island is priceless.
Long Island doesn't allow driver only hybrids in the HOV lane. Unless something has changed recently? Care to fill me in?