California Runs Out of Clean Vehicle Rebate Funds for ZEVs and Plug-ins - Consumers Buying These Vehicles Will Now Be Added to a Waiting ListCNCDA just received word that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will suspend rebates of up to $2,500 under the Clean Vehicle Rebate Program TODAY. Buyers of these vehicles who complete applications will be added to a waiting list for $5 million in additional funding. Eligibility for federal rebates are not affected by this announcement. Beyond the additional $5 million already allocated (which at current sales volume could last for less than 30 days), consumers added to the waiting list likely must await funding to be approved by CARB and as part of the state budget to be adopted this summer. Though we believe that that this program will receive additional funding, there is no guarantee that it will. Potential electric vehicle customers should be made aware of this fact. Rebates from the waiting list won't be paid until late September at the earliest, according to CARB.
Is this supplemental to the state tax credit which I would have thought was paid after filing year end taxes and not sometime after purchase? The feds accepted my $7500 credit and Colorado accepted my $6000 credit when I filed my taxes. I was never under the impression that you could claim it before filing. Similar to the solar credit, you have to wait for taxes... (I don't live in a CARB state, so I really don't know)
So does the CARB running out of funds mean that applications from now onwards will be put on the waitlist? Or does the waitlist apply to anyone who's turned in their application but hasn't received the cash rebate yet?
Based on the website it looks like it is by application date not rebate dispersal date. "If you applied on or after March 28, 2014, you will receive your rebate check in September 2014." Clean Vehicle Rebate Project | CCSE Here's a link to the press release: News Release: 2014-03-28 Success of state’s clean vehicle rebate project prompts waiting list
I don't think there is a state tax credit for the PiP in California. If there is, I missed out on it! Oops, should have read the rest of the recent posts before replying.
My electronic application was received 3/10 and docs were received on 3/17 according to their website. My status has not been updated since 3/17 when they received my hard copy of supporting docs. I might be the one of the PIPs that ran the state dry, I will update if they update my status.
2k1...I assume the Leaf is $6000 CO credit? anyways nice score on those super CO incentives. As far as CA, they get Fed tax credit + CARB rebate...that's it except HOV access too.
Okay got my approval notice today 3/29/14. Here are their words.... Dear XXXXXXXX , Congratulations! Your Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) application has been approved for this vehicle: CVRP Application Number: XXXXXX Vehicle Model: Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle Year: 2014 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX We typically issue rebate checks within 90 days of application approval. However, if you applied on or after March 28, 2014, you will receive your rebate check in September 2014. To find out if your check has been mailed, go to and log in using your CVRP application number:XXXXXXX. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Mai Fang CVRP Staff California Center for Sustainable Energy 9325 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123-1502 858.244.1177 phone 866.219.5675 fax
Wow, I got super lucky on my purchase. Diane hooked me up with a great deal and now she's back to practically full MSRP on these cars and I had stickers day one and now I barely got in for the CARB money too. They received my app and processed it on March 24th. Phew!
Wonder how hard the PiP, Volt, Ford Plugins, and Leaf will get hit with $1500-$2500 less money? For a Tesla owner, it is play money, but for those above cars, they could mean no sale.