What do you all think. I've been looking forward to a Prius for a long time - actually since 2004 - but in 2004 I totaled my car and needed one - at that time there was a 6 month wait for a Prius. I was on a waiting list but had to cancel my order. So I bought an Accord. Good car now has almost 160K miles and after 10 years ready to get a Prius again - this time they're readily available. So I'm looking for advice from the group - get a '13 or '14 now or wait for the '15? For me it's a tough decision to make - there likely won't be any good deals when the '15 comes out.... Thanks!
I've said all along I don't believe model year 2015 will be the Gen 4 so unless you just want the new model year, I personally don't see a reason to wait. Heck, you'd probably get a good deal on a 14 now.
So wait then, I can only provide you my opinion like other people and sites will. They are all opinions at this point, none of it is concrete nor from Toyota. Time will tell though who guessed appropriately, that is certain. To be clear, my GUESS has been we will see gen 4 in 2015, mid year, as a 16' model but NOT by the end of this year as a 2015. I could care less what magazines and other sites are saying.
It's not good to buy a new model in its first year. Too many bugs. I would wait for 2016 or get a late model 2015.
If you get a great deal on a 2014 now, you can easily wait a couple of year and pick up a gen 4 Prius the second year in once they make tweaks or updates to work out any first year gremlins. With the deals going on now, you can be in good position in a couple of years to trade up to the new model and have this time to enjoy a Prius now.
Every car that I've bought over the past 40 years that was the introductory model years has had assembly bugs. My last one, a 1995 had valve problems in the engine. The engine was gone at 95k miles. I sold it for scrap in September 1998. I lost at least $7,000 off book. So, that will be my last one introduced in the first model year. Every other car that I've had lasted 250K to 300k miles and 11 to 15 years.
Didn't Japan get the 3rd gen 1 year before us? I think the '15 will be another rehash of the 3rd gen since Japan still has the current Prius for sale
That is a very good point. Personally, I would wait if I could. I have no major problems with 1st model years. I had a 1998 Corolla, 2006 Civic, and now my 2012 PiP. I like being first. If you can't wait, just buy a 13 or 14 model now, the deals are pretty incredible.
Ha ha .... The Mrs would never stand for that - unless I get a lemon this Prius will be mine for 10 years or more!
If you can wait, try and get the 2015. Don't let anyone scare you about it being a first year model. I STILL have my 2004 which was a first year model. It has 210,000 miles and is in perfect shape. I gave it to my dad as a second car. I have the 2013 and I love it. I've been reading that this is the year that the new model will be released. They've done a good job of keeping its design a secret. iPad ?
Every generation seems to add about 10% more performance and better mpg's. My guess is the suspension will be much more modern in quality and feel. The third gen suspension is akin to cars back in the 90's. If you buy this year, you'll simply kick yourself next year. I bought my 2011 at Carmax. Personally i wouldn't buy new if you are on the last year of a generation of vehicle. At least if you buy a 2010 or 2011, you get a really good price on it and you don't get that sting when the new model comes out because it'll be like $10k more.
I drove a first Gen, first year 1989 Ford Probe GT turbo. It had 190,000 miles before I sold it and got a first year 97 Dakota when it was redesigned. It had 160,000 before I sold it. My 2010 Prius IV is also the first year of the Gen 3, but it seems fantastic as well. I also have a first Gen Powerbook G4, a first Gen iPod that still works, a first Gen Pebble smart watch, had the first 4G Sprint phone, have one of the first 3D tvs to come out, one of the first LED Samsung tvs to come out, etc... I personally love keeping up with the cutting edge and don't mind being the first. To me, the risk is worth the reward. Besides, for the basics, a first year Gen 4 Prius will still be a Toyota, still have years of hybrid experience behind a proven technology and still have a full warranty.
Dianne Whitmire, the high Priustess here on this site, said 2015 was carryover year...that was for PiP but I think it probably true for LB. I am with Paradox.
I bought my 2014 now. The heck with waiting. Not to mention I got a great deal, and there was even an identical 2013 available for a little less if I wanted. Wait if you can, but the current model is very nice - now.