I mentioned in previous posts that my wife and I had spotted an Orange Prius and that I was trying to track it down to get a picture. Well, last week while at the Chinese Buffet in Leesburg, FL, the car pulled in the lot and right next to ours - toting an orange painted Segway on the back. I wanted some day-shots but this opportunity came knocking at night! Up close - the orange paint job is 3rd rate at best, and it was especially apparent in the parking lot lights. I spoke to the owner inside about it, ready to slap him about the head 'n shoulders, and he explained it was a company car painted in the company's colors. Whatever - it's still obscene. He was an idiot none-the-less.
not sure what you mean by that but the trim rings and center cap were painted...Gawd...that's not right!
f'ugly at best. And it actually tows a Segway behind it? The Segway should have regen abilities so it's charging the batteries as it rolls. That would be awesome.
if thats a "company car" it doesn't say much for the "company" that bought it or painted it like that.... *guuuuh* wheres the pointy stick for my eyes when I need it?
Eeeewww, thats sickening, I have not seen it over here in Orlando yet. I wouldnt drive it it looks hidious.... I would rather drive one of those Boston Lobster Cars..
I guess he could have put the dixie flag on the roof, the "01" on the doors, and we could have had "Dukes of Hybrid" or something!!! :lol:
Laughing My Frakkin' nice person Off!! Hey, 2Hybrids... sorry to get off-topic here, but since you're an apparent BSG fan, do you have any idea where I could get a red "Cylon eye" light, one that moves across three feet? I'm wanting to install it behind the upper grill of my Prius.....
Well, if you don't mind having the stuff like KITT had, take a look at http://www.knt2000scustoms.com/Knight___Electronics.html. I really like the accelerator pedal with the leds.
the only thing I've seen is the "Kitt" light in JC Whitney. I had it on an old Tercel in my younger days when I "thought" I was cool. Got busted by the Police so many times that I just took it off. Red lights on the front of a car are a no no :angry:
It was on the front plate. I didn't want to advertise for that particular company so I left the pic with the plate off. It was "Kang Financial" or something... Jeez, you'd think they'd get magnetic signs on the door or something... But you gotta give 'em props for at least driving a Hybrid. I guess that is some small consolation. I wish they'd not butcher the car like that!
I think it's a great color, or at least what's reproduced on my monitor is. I like cars colored some variation of orange, especially "burnt orange". I like the pinstripe on this one, too. Apparently it's an '04 or '05, so I'm surprised it hasn't been reported here before, since we have so many FL members. Wish they'd take the trim rings off, though. They ARE tacky.
I agree. Yes to the color and no to the wheel trim. I'm not sure I like the mask on the front either...
Burnt Orange or a variation of bronze would have really worked well - but I'm tellin ya man...this was bright-nice person orange!!!!!....no metallic whatsoever....and up close, you could see a lot of imperfections. I do think the orange fuzzy dice were a nice touch - if you have color coordination in mind.