I sold my 2001 Jetta for $3,300 and did a huge upgrade to a brand new Prius C. I got trim level 2 package because since I'm tall I do need the adjustable steering wheel. The middle section arm rest is helpful too. I do miss my sunroof that I had on my Jetta a little. So far I love the car. I haven't had her for more than 3 days but I already love her. I named her Cindy, I hope that's not weird. Anyways, hopefully you'll be seeing more of me. I've been reading a lot of your guys's post's!
Ya know, I just got her. But right off the bat I want to dip that middle section of the front bump. I've seen some of the pictures of you guys doing it and I really want to!!
Welcome and congrats on your new C! You can get a can of Plasti-dip at Home Depot or Lowe's and paint the center of your front bumper easily. If you mess it up or get sick of it just peel it off. I Plasti-dipped my wheel covers for now.
Congrats! My friend - a big, tough guy - gives his cars names too. I think his latest car is called Lexie... IIRC - his wife names her cars too.
Hmmm, hadn't named mine - it just hasn't come to me yet, but typing this, it just did!! I shall call her Gem because I have placed a gem in the little circle where a push-start button goes on the higher models. Thanks for the idea spark!
Front end paint job definitely looks good. Something to work on when it's mine (lease atm) and set working on a formal name - just "the roller skate" right t now.