Does anyone know if Hermosa Beach offers free metered parking to Green HOV Stickers for Plug-in Hybrids? Santa Monica's website clearly states it does: Santa Monica OSE - Automobiles Hermosa Beach's website mentions only 100% alternative fuel vehicles, so I'm wondering if that means White HOV Stickers ONLY: City of Hermosa Beach : Transportation
Nope. I plan on meeting up with some friends in the area later, and thought Hermosa offered free parking for Green and White HOV Stickers, but now I'm not so sure and think it might be White only.
I called both the Hermosa Beach Police Dept. and their parking enforcement division and was told green OR white tags do NOT qualify for free metered parking. Apparently the DUI and parking citation revenue is just way too good to give up.
I contacted the Hermosa Beach "General Information" number, and got transferred around until someone told me BEVs and Natural Gas Vehicles are eligible for free metered parking, not PHEVs. I'm not certain if she knew for sure or if she just quoted their website: "The city offers free metered parking at silver post meters for 100% alternative fuel vehicles." Source: City of Hermosa Beach : Transportation It seems to me they need to clarify their wording to specify which HOV Decal Stickers apply.
My bad. I guess any vehicle with white decals qualifies for free metered parking in HB? MB take note please!!! Thanks for the update & link
I received the following response from the Hermosa Beach Administrative Services Coordinator: "The vehicle criteria that must be met for free meter parking (2 or 3 hour silver post meters) is the vehicle must be a fully electric or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) powered vehicle, or a Jem (type) electric vehicles. Under the guidelines that described in the CA.Gov this would be a vehicle that has been issued a white Clean Air Vehicle decal." So Hermosa Beach is White Sticker only.